Anisha has done MBA in Marketing from NMIMS And Executive Management(PMNO) from Harvard Business School. She has been instrumental in growing CATKing Digital with her experience with Marico and Henkel in the past.
- Aberration- a departure from what is normal usual or expected
- Abreast- up to date with the latest news, ideas, information
- Adept- very skilled or proficient at something
- Agog- very eager or curious to see and hear something
- Altruism- belief in or practice of selfless concern
- Annul- declare invalid
- Audacious- showing willingness to take a surprisingly bold step
- Austere- having an extremely plain and simple style of loving life
- Artless- without guile or deception
- Abyss- a bottomless gulf or pit
- Accretion- an increase in natural growth or addition
- Acidulous- being sour to the taste
- Acme- the highest point of something
- Adulterate- make impure by adding an inferior or foreign substance
- Ameliorate- make better
- Amortize- liquidate gradually
- Amulet- a trinket thought to be a magical protection against evil, danger
- Anachronism- something located at a time when it could no longer be belong
- Antagonize- provoke the hostility of
- Antipathy- the feeling of intense dislike
- Apathy- an absence of emotion or enthusiasm
- Apocryphal- being of questionable authenticity
- Apostate- not faithful to religion, party or cause
- Approbation- official agreement or acceptance
- Arbitrary- based on or subject to individual discretion
- Arbitrate- act between parties with a view to reconciling differences
- Archaic- so extremely old as seeming to belong to an earlier century
- Ardor- feelings of great warmth and intensity
- Arrogate- seize and take control without authority
- Articulate- express or state clearly
- Banal- repeated too often; overfamiliar through overuse
- Belfry- a bell tower
- Bevy- a flock of birds
- Bifurcate- split or divide into two
- Bilk- cheat somebody out of what is due, especially money
- Blight- any plant disease resulting in withering without rotting
- Blithe- carefree, happy & light-hearted
- Bolster- support or strengthen
- Blowhard- a person who blusters and boasts in an unpleasant manner
- Bucolic- pastoral, rustic, countrified
- Burgeon- grow forth, expand or increase quickly
- Brazen- bold or open to the point of shocking
- Bedlam- uproar, confusion
- Belligerent- seeking war, hostile
- Besiege- to surround
- Besmirch- strain, soil, dim the reputation
- Bizarre- weird
- Blatant- disagreeably loud
- Badger- to pester, nag; annoy persistently
- Cacophony- a harsh, discordant mixture of sounds
- Confound- prove something wrong
- Coda- a concluding event, remark or section
- Calumny- slander, defame
- Cache- secret hiding place
- Cajole- coax, wheedle
- Callow- inexperienced, youthful
- Complacent- self-satisfied
- Carnage- slaughter
- Chagrin- disappointment
- Cliché- stereotype
- Conflagration- great fire
- Conjecture- guess
- Corpulent- excessively, fat, fleshy, obese
- Corroborate- confirm, support
- Countenance- approve, tolerate
- Coup- revolution, overthrow
- Capricious- unpredictable
- Caustic- bitterly sarcastic
- Chicanery- trickery or deception
- Commensurate- proportional
- Condone- to forgive, allow or approve
- Consequential- as a result of
- Contentious- controversial
- Contrite- remorseful, apologetic, penitent
- Covet- to crave for, to desire
- Cringe- cower, shrink back as if in fear
- Culpable- blameworthy, deserving blame
- Culprit- one guilty of a crime
- Culvert- artificial channel for water
- Cumbersome- heavy & awkward to carry or wear
- Cumulative- growing by addition
- Cunning- clever in deceiving, sly
- Curmudgeon- churlish, miserly individual
- Cursive- (of writing) flowing
- Cursory- casual, hastily done with little attention
- Curtail- shorten, reduce
- Cynical- skeptical or distrustful of human motives
- Daub- smear, cover with something sticky
- Daunt- intimidate, frighten
- Dauntless- bold, fearless
- Dawdle- loiter, hang around, waste of time doing nothing
- Daze- bemuse, benumb, stun with a blow or shock
- Deprecate- express disapproval
- Destitution- extreme poverty
- Diatribe- bitter criticism
- Dilettante- one with little knowledge and great interest in the arts
- Disdain- scorn
All the best!
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