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Career Opportunities after MBA in Finance
April 19 2024

MBA in Finance

MBA in finance is one of the oldest and most popular management degree among the students and is highly regarded among the best career choice for aspirants who are interested in numbers and calculations (Maths). Students who have completed their Bachelor’s in Finance and love to deal with audit, finance, balance sheet, shares, investment, bonds, economics, management and everything related to handling finances of a company go for Master’s degree in finance. The students are offered the knowledge and skills of analytical thinking, continuous process, concept of managerial decision, maintaining balance between risk & profitability, coordination process and centralized nature. After completing Master’s in Finance and officially getting the MBA degree one wonder’s whether in the present competition one can stand a chance of getting their dream job, or whether there are other opportunities that will lead them to their goal. One can also run their own finance management business and have their own CA firm. Following are some of the career opportunities that one can go for to reach their goal and also some courses that will act as an helping hand in reaching their goal: -


  • Share market courses
  • Chartered accountancy (CA)
  • Venture capital
  • Investment banking
  • Cost and management accounting
  • Account reconciliation
  • Chartered financial analyst (CFA)
  • Wealth manager


  • Asset Management
  • Corporate finance
  • Corporate Banking
  • Credit risk management
  • Derivatives Structuring
  • Hedge Fund Management
  • Private Equity
  • Treasury
  • Financial Institutions
  • Banks
  • Financial Consultancies
  • Colleges & Universities
  • Government and private firms
  • Stock market
  • Finance Ministry

Conclusion: In the end we can say that, MBA in Finance has a lot of job opportunities and one can also run their own CA or Finance Consultancy firm. There are opportunities in private as well as public sector. Also, one can go for banking sector and try out the job opportunity. There are also courses which are of short duration which help one update their job profile and increase their career opportunities.

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MBA in Finance
Rahul Singh




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