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CAT 2024: How to get 100 percentile in 3 months
April 25 2024

How to get 100 percentile in 3 months

With almost 3 months left for the CAT exam, it's imperative that those serious about making it through to the IIMs change gears on their preparation. Some students would be wondering if they really have it in them to form it through the CAT exam, after the initial set of mocks that they need to be taken. In this article, you will learn about how to get 100 percentile in 3 months But, if one can identify the weak areas and put in focused effort to enhance upon them, the CAT is going to be a way tamer animal than it might appear to be otherwise. CAT online course

Let us check out each of the areas in CAT and discuss how one can improve on them within the upcoming months. Verbal ability

Reading Comprehension

CAT has traditionally been an RC centric paper, for English. 5 passages are appearing within the recent CATs with 4-5 questions per passage. a couple of critical factors in RC preparation: Reading on diverse topics Target all direct questions followed by partially inferential questions. During the Test: Ideally less than 10 mins are to be spent per passage and it's to be ensured that each one passage are checked out

Verbal Ability

This includes Para formation and Para summary questions Following are a couple of approaches to answer these questions: Identify the introductory statement (this statement would tell us what the paragraph is all about) Then identify links that might connect the 2 sentences. These are called connectives. These connectives are often conjunctions (but, and) or are often content connectives like cause-effect, generic to specific, etc. Remember that there are not any short cuts to learning a language. The practice is the key to success during this section. Spend a minimum of an hour daily on regular reading and another 30 mins reading passages from various online sources.

CAT Exam Pattern

Quantitative Ability

List out the areas/topics to focus on: because the sections are timed individually, selective preparation is extremely risky, together may find yourself getting questions from the areas that he/she has overlooked of preparation. Therefore, till the last 3-4 weeks running up to the exam, the scholars should specialize in recuperating on all the topics in Quant. Then the main target should be shifted to concentrating on specific areas which might give them the utmost return for his or her time. A two-pronged approach must be adopted for this

  1. Mock-CAT Performance Analysis: Students should have a transparent understanding of their comfort level altogether Quant topics.
  2. CAT mocks performances should be analyzed at a subject level. The areas where the scholars are scoring below par consistently and therefore the areas where the scores are fluctuating should be the areas of focus.

2. Previous CAT paper analysis: The areas which are consistently contributing to the CAT exam over the years should be identified and a spotlight should tend to them.

Minimum CAT scores required to get into iims

Follow these simple steps while preparing:

  • Understand the fundamentals concepts of the chosen topic thoroughly
  • Write down all the formulae and ideas associated with the subject on a chart to use as a reckoner
  • Ensure that you recognize when a specific formula is to be used
  • Solve a minimum of 30-40 questions (CAT level) from the subject.

Logical Ability

The questions in Logic are often broadly said to return from three areas viz. Puzzles, Venn Diagrams and Cubes, Deductions, and Logical Connectives. Of these, the Questions on puzzles are commonest followed by Venn Diagrams. Other question types haven't been appearing lately. understanding problems from the Study Material Booklets are usually the simplest thanks to steeling oneself against the various sorts of Questions that appear in CAT. Puzzle books like those by Shakuntala Devi, George Summers, etc. provide exposure to high-level logic puzzles and therefore the approaches to tackle them. The oft-repeated word "Practice" is that the key to crack the questions supported logic and reasoning. the scholars should put in the maximum amount of time as possible in practicing questions of various types, both online and on paper.

Data Interpretation

The skills required to crack questions in DI are

  1. Ability to analyze and understand difficult/complicated data This is a skill that one can acquire through regular practice. The practice must involve questions of varying difficulty levels and kinds. One approach would be to start out solving all the DI sets from your study material. Once this is often done, it's time to maneuver online using 'Online Practice Tests'.
  2. Ability to try to calculations quickly The speed of calculations is where the scholars should specialize in, alongside practicing different sets. Acquiring this skill is usually easier said than done because it is difficult to urge over the old habits of scribbling numbers on a paper even for easy additions. The point to be kept in mind when students practice sets as mentioned above is that they ought to not only specialize in the approach but should also compute the answers. this could be wiped out timed manner. The advantage of solving questions under time constraint would be that the scholars would be forced to extend their speed of calculations.

Also, Read CAT preparation                                   

What is CAT exam?

CAT Exam Pattern                              

CAT Study Material How to crack CAT                              

 Sections for CAT exam

Anisha Mukhija




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