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CAT 2024 Study Tips For The Last 10 Days
April 05 2024

CAT 2024 is just 10 days away, and aspirants have buckled up their gears for the final days before the big D-day! While, aspirants are busy revising the topics, and solving mocks, other essential things get unnoticed, which is why this article will help you to organize your days before you give the exam. Here is a list of things that you should do, and shouldn't do before CAT 2024.

There are a few things you don't have to worry about:

While preparing for CAT, can be a nerve-wracking deal, but one should learn to calm themselves down and not to worry about things that they don’t have control over:

  1. Don’t worry about Profile- Students before giving the exam, worry more about the colleges. And, in the case of CAT, students often stress about their chances of getting into the top-notch IIMs. In the course of this stress, they often worry about their profile and de-motivate themselves. So here’s some advice, your profile does matter for your selection in IIM, but not more than the exam, so focus more on the exam CAT, and less on the things ahead of you.
  2. Don’t worry about your academics- One of the best things about this exam is that, it is not only for the elitist, topper students. CAT is a fairly easier exam, and cracking the exam is not the most difficult thing in the world! So, if you’re worried about academics, and whether you’ll be able to score well or not, then don’t be worried at all. Because, scoring well in Quants, only requires clear concepts, and RCs and DILR will be aced, after thorough practice.
  3. Don't worry about the paper, will it be tough or will be lengthy- Test takers should never worry about the level of the question paper, don’t waste your time thinking, about how tough will the paper be set this time! Because it is not specifically for you, it is everyone, so it should not matter so much.

Study Tips For The Last 10 Days:

  1. Old Mocks: Try to reappear the mock tests that you've already given and check your pace, and progress. While appearing for the mock tests, make sure to note down the silly mistakes, and topics that brought down your score.
  2. New Mocks: While giving the old mock tests, also make sure to appear for new mock tests, and use the notes that you've made while old mock tests to score better.
  3. Old CAT papers: Try to solve past year CAT papers, to get hold of the pattern, and level of difficulty.
  4. Make Notes: While solving past year question papers or Mock tests, make sure to make notes of the mistakes, and topics that you need to focus on more. Also, write down important formulas and tricks. This will help you memorize these tricks.
  5. Do not Touch any new topic: One of the most important tips to remember is to not start, or touch any new topic. It is absolutely fine, if you've not covered all the topics but, touching on a new topic will only create anxiety and confusion.
Check out CAT Mock Tests

Daily Schedule for the last 10 days to CAT 2024:

  1. Aeon Essay: Invest 30 minutes in Aeon Essays daily.
  2. Sectional Tests: Devot 40 minutes to give Sectional tests for each section.
  3. Mock Tests: Try to give one mock test, a day. And trace the number of questions you answer correctly in 2 hours.
  4. Practice these topics daily: For the last 10 days, practice the most important topics daily. the topics are as follows: Arithmetic, Algebra, Caselets, Geometry, RCs, Arrangements, Para Jumbles, Para Summary, and Out of Context.
Also, Read The 'Ultimate Mantra' to crack CAT
Anisha Mukhija




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