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GDPI experiences of Chetana College
April 13 2024


Centre: Chetana College, Bandra
Time: 5 pm
Batch no: 18

Group Discussion
3 judges: 1F and 2M (one guy was wid a fractured hand )
They gave us some time to select our topic and 5 mins to think on the selected topic. They also encouraged everyone to participate in the GD and requested us to avoid a fish market.

GD topics:
1) Failing organizations are usually over managed and under-lead
2) Commercialization of health care; good or bad

Group was supposed to be of 15 people. But 3 of them were absent.
We had a poll and we selected the 2nd topic.
Didn’t have many ideas about the topic. I was the 2nd person to enter as the first person hadn’t given a good start to the GD.
I tried to give a backbone structure to the GD and then, later on, chipped in around 7 more times.
We defined Commercialization

Discussed the current scenario
Commercialization in various sectors as of today
Current status of the health care industry
Comparison with other countries like US, UK.
Some brilliant examples kept on coming: NAAZ movement, KC students carrying out the cataract campaign.
Some superb statistics were being poured in by a group member.
We also spoke about the involvement of NGOs in the health care sector. How commercialization attracts foreign players and even foreigners (for medical treatment)
How it can contribute to the growth of the country
We spoke about commercialization at the grass root level.
How the food crisis is affecting the health sector.
& lots of blah blah blah

3 people (3 Musketeers) never spoke a word in the GD. So at the 10th min, they interrupted us and asked these 3 to give their views on the topic.
Then we continued with the GD. At the 18th min, they asked 2 people who had entered less no. of times (apart from the 3 musketeers mentioned previously) to conclude in their own manner without adding any more points.
Then they gave the 3 musketeers a chance to conclude.

Not at all a fish market GD.
They seemed to be quite happy.

After the GD, they took us to some other room where they divided us into
3 to 4 groups and made us sit accordingly.
Then made us sit in the waiting area as per our PI room no.
I was supposed to be the first guy for my PI batch. But I hadn’t completed that sick form so I took my own sweet time to fill it up and allowed others to go for their PIs.

Personal Interview
My PI panel consisted of 2 males. One was in his 40s while the other one was in his 30s.

Me: May I come in sir?
P: Yes.
P: So, ur name is Kawal, right?
Me: Yes sir.
P2: Oh. It’s a very unique name. I first thought that it was Kamal. What is the meaning of your name?
Me: My name stands for the first morsel of food that u have sir. You’ll find its reference in a Shlok that Maharashtrians chant on special occasions before having their meals. Then I chanted the shlok ‘Vadani Kawal Gheta naam ghya Shreehari che………………(presented it as if it was a Sant Kabir’s famous Shayari)
P1: Oh. Good. So now tell me, why are u switching ur line from engg to management?
Me: Blah blah blah (Started wid my monologue)
P1 and P2 (giving me the smile of confidence)
P1: Ok, so lemme test ur analytical skills by asking u a question.
Me: Sure sir

P1: How much is 40% of 40.
Me: 16 (what was he thinking???…lolzz)
P2: So, how exactly is ur Engg degree gonna make u a better manager?
Me: blah blah blah (started wid my 2nd rattofied speech and spoke about the qualities of an ideal marketing manager)
P1: Ur 10th and 12th marks seem to be very good. But your graph has been going down since then.
Me: (spoke about how screwing Mumbai University is and how different it is as compared to Anna univ and how u can’t score here)
P2: Why have u written about ‘ban on smoking’ as the most significant event?
Me: I know that there are other topics like nuke deal, etc. but they don’t directly affect the common man. I chose the above event as it can help my fellow citizens. It’s not been completely implemented but at least the work has started.
P1: What are ur hobbies?
Me: Calligraphy, typing, lip reading, sign language
P2: Ok, then try to lip read me
Me: (Got 2 to 3 words of the small little sentence that he was trying to say.)
P2: Good good..u were almost there…
Me: (I explained to them how 2 words can have same lip movements)
P1: What is ur CET score?
Me: I’ve scored 108 sir
P2: Do u think you’ll get admission into a B school this year?
Me: To be honest and to be practical, I’m targetting the top 5 institutes. Apart from that, I’ve also appeared for other competitive exams like ATMA wherein I scored 98.13%ile and I got a call from Welingkar for their PG course. Now I’m awaiting their results.
P2: What if u don’t make it?
Me: I feel that everyone shud have a backup plan. I too have one. I’ll take up my placement as a software Engg at Infosys, Mysore.
P2: Aaaaaah….Infosys!!!! That’s a dream company for many. Why are u even thinking of doing an MBA????
Me: blah blah blah (wanna chase my dreams and blah blah)
P1: Will u try for CET next year?
Me: (told about my plans)

P1 and P2: U may leave now
Me: Thank u sir



GDPI date: 5th June
Time: 2-3 pm, batch 15
Venue: Chetna (Bandra)

Group Discussion:
3 panelists… 1 sir n 2 madams
attendance: 12/15

the sir told the rules
and one ma’am gave us the topics:
1. Business should be like religion and science. It should know neither love nor hate.
2. 2 yrs of the military assignment should be made compulsory for every young man between the age of 20 and 25

I voted for the 2nd, but the majority voted for the 1st topic.

GD went smooth. no fish market.

my suggestions: speak to the participants, don’t look at the panelists. Eye contact is very important.
and wear smth formal, it only looks professional.
jeans and a tee is a nono.

Personal Interview :
panelists: 2 sirs both in their early 30s.
the one on the left did most of the asking.
he asked only basic questions like
Why BSc(since my acads were very good)?
Why computer science?
And why MBA?
Why Finance?
ok, u have an analytic mind…. so u can solve a problem in any situation I give u?
I said yes… and was expecting a case…
but he did not ask.

justify d significant event: my fav question!!

ur score,
and which colleges r u aiming at.

I’d written something abt multitasking….
so he asked, y do managers need to be good multitaskers.

the sir on the right asked only 1 question at the end…
y MBA, and not CA (as I’d mentioned my dad is a CA, and my bro wants to do it too)

my suggestions: give a smile, be polite, and be very confident!
the most imp: rather the only imp question is y MBA.

Abt the ARC :
takes 10 mins, but there was a long Q…had to w8 for more than an hour.

provisional results on 22nd…
All the best!


Venue: Chetna college(Bandra East)
batch no-18
Time : (5pm-6pm)

Group Discussion
gd topics were-
1)knowledge revolution creates a vibrancy in the country.
2)government will never sincerely carry out the poverty eradication programmes bcoz poverty is a blessing in disguise for politicians.

A batch of 14 – but 4 were absent…the majority voted for the 1st topic
one girl started the good but it was not good at all….overall gd was ok….most of the points were repeated….one of the panelists told us not to interrupt each other otherwise negative markings wud b given…then d same person told us to stop d gd as no new points were there n asked each 1 of us 2 conclude….after d gd other panelist told us to go home n check in the dictionary the meanings of knowledge n revolution…(so it was understood that v screwed)

Personal Interview
pi was better…2panelists were cool…they asked me 2 interviews them…so I had 2 ask them questions on BCom subjects(since I m a BCom student)…asked them few questions abt their fav subjects, on accounts,eco…n then I had 2 answer d same…then they asked me what is the diff between microeconomics n macroeconomics,y MBA in finance…I must say both the panelists were very kind n cool….no stress…overall pi was better than the gd…..
my suggestion-pls smile when u enter the pi rum….

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Chetana's GDPI experiences
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