Harvard Business School (SPNM), MBA: SP Jain Institute of Management & Research, Master of Information Technology, Virginia Tech.
What is MICAT?
The pattern of MICAT along with the MICAT syllabus is different from other MBA Entrance Exams. Most of the MBA Entrance exams are made up entirely of Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs). However, MICAT has a paper pattern that asks objective, as well as subjective (creative writing for MICAT) questions. The marking scheme for each section isn’t usually disclosed. Although negative marking applies only to the objective questions (except Psychometric) and will not be applicable to any of the subjective questions.
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MICAT Syllabus and pattern
What are the sections in MICAT?
Confused? Get free mentor-ship by experts There are 3 main sections in MICAT namely:
- SECTION-A: Psychometric test
- SECTION-B: This includes 4 parts namely Verbal ability, Quantitative ability & Data Interpretation, General Awareness, and Convergent thinking.
- SECTION-C: Descriptive Test.
What is the descriptive test?
7 things a CAT aspirant is doing wrong
- A fascinating section of MICAT is Essay Writing and Story Writing, which includes 4 questions with a duration of 35 minutes.
- This section is especially important since MICA wants to check your creativity, which can be showcased in plenty through this section.
This section is difficult to predict and, tests you on your creative skills.
Essay Writing:
This question asks students to write on topics that are directly or indirectly based on daily happenings and issues. The topics usually refer to current affairs and social issues. Sometimes, the topic may be a combination of two or three issues as well. Therefore, make sure that you are well-read on a variety of different topics.
7 things a CAT aspirant is doing wrong
Story Writing:
This question usually asks the candidate to form a story based on a given set of images. The story writing question tests your creativity.
Now there is no specific method to prepare for it but read creative short stories. Reading different stories will give you an understanding of how different topics can be connected and weaved into a story. Once you have an idea, start practicing writing small stories. Ask your friend/classmate to give you random words/topics/images, from which you can then write a story. You can then evaluate your story and keep practicing in the same manner.
Arguments (in favor & against):
In this question, one has to give merits (points in favor) and demerits (points against) on the given topic. The question usually asks students to write 5 points for each part.
Again, the only way to prepare for this is to have awareness about recent and current issues. Therefore, keep reading stuff. Also, while reading, make sure that you consider every aspect and viewpoint on a particular topic. Having an idea about different/opposing viewpoints will help you to generate the for and against points for this section.
*Practice Writing articles/viewpoints/stories every day.
Creative writing for MICAT
Also read: All you need to know about MICAT The Creative Writing section of MICAT might comprise one or more of Essay writing, Story building, arguments for/against a given topic. There is very little time to complete this exercise, which is why the more you practice the better you’re able to attempt. The selection to the next round depends a lot on how well you perform in this section.
7 tips for this section
1. First and foremost Essay Writing
This has been common across the years has seen various topics basis on current and social awareness. MICA wants to test your communication style and skill, so rather than focus on something that will just make you enlist the facts. It selects something that is part of your daily life so that you get a chance to express your perspective and ideas.
2. Second, story writing, where you are given a set of pictures.
You have to connect the pictures and curate a story that is creative yet exclusive. It’s simple but requires a creative bend than can give you an edge over the others.
3. The third part of this section is the arguments.
Here, a topic will be given and you will have to write a certain fixed number of arguments for (as well as) against the given topic. Then you’ll have to conclude while taking one assertive side where being neutral doesn’t fetch you any marks. This part helps them figure out your ability to look at things from different perspectives.
4. Analytical thinking skills
The purpose of the latter two exercises is to see how you think or analyze. There’s no better way to strengthen it than to know yourself and your surrounding. Be well aware of what is happening around you and you stand a chance to ace it. Also read: MICAT- Residential courses
5. Practice so you can complete it.
The only way you can ace this section is by completing it. And as mentioned before, it’s a time-stressed section so you will need to practice writing to get a hang of it. It’s easier said than done, always. So get to it, right now.
6. Have fluency by improving vocabulary
It’s always better to be fluent, both in verbal and written expression. So brush up on your vocabulary so that one, you don’t fall short of words when required the most; and two, the formation of phrases/sentences is apt, rather beautiful to read.
7. Right effort, right time, and the right place.
The creative writing section reveals your attitude and your talent. And is VERY important for cracking MICAT. So ensure that you put the right amount of effort at the right time, also in the right place
Instructions w.r.t creative writing for MICAT
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- You can follow simple instructions to ensure that you excel in this section. First, note down your points briefly to decide on a flow for your essay.
- Once that is established, go ahead and write the paragraphs. secondly, stick to an argument that you have chosen, do go about shifting between your views because inconsistency in thought is highly frowned upon by them.
- Finally, build a tempo to your writing, a good writing piece is when you follow the AIDA model. It should capture the reader's attention and maintain it until the end.
- In order to do all this and excel in this section, you have to practice writing at least 2 to 3 months before the exam.
- Even though you think you’re good at it, keep reading some short stories to get inspired. The portion of essay writing is to test your thought process, your perspective, and your craft on topics based on you.
Remember, along with your aptitude, MICAT also tests you on your creative skills. It is one of the few entrance tests that engages your brain in an off-beat way. Also, MICAT is known to throw in surprises, with respect to the paper pattern, every year. Changes are usually in the number of questions and/or in the duration of a section. So, be ready for any such changes.
All the best!
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