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IBS Hyderabad GD-PI Experiences
May 06 2024

Note: This page will be updated regularly as and when we receive Woxsen GD-PI Experiences directly from students and trusted sources. Apply Now @ IBS Hyderabad  

IBS Hyderabad GD-PI Experience 1:

Sahil Jassal- MBA, IBS Hyderabad 

  Why IBS Hyderabad? IBS Hyderabad is one of the top business schools in the country, to have received the globally accepted AACSB accreditation. IBS Hyderabad offers high-quality programs in different areas of management to a cross-section of students, executives and professionals across India. They have a reputation for innovative program design and delivery, quality courseware, personalized instruction, strong industry interface, research, consultancy and publications. Their curriculum is regularly updated and aligned with the industry needs. Their large, committed and excellent placements team, faculty and the students work together to create challenging and rewarding career opportunities for all of their graduating students. Over the years, IBS Hyderabad alumni have begun to occupy senior positions in leading companies across industries. In short, IBS Hyderabad is a highly student centric institution & I would love to be a part of this prestigious B-School.  

 How did I get into IBS Hyderabad?

  IBS Hyderabad made the online selection process feel like a breeze… Being caught up with all the exams and admissions amidst the pandemic was rather daunting. There was a ray of uncertainty with all the exam patterns changing and processes delaying. However, ICFAI Business School came up with a commendable response to the ongoing pandemic by taking the online approach to the selection process. I admired how the IBS team communicated all the necessary information in a crystal clear format. Even before the selection process began, all the applicants were invited for the Selection Briefings, which deemed itself to be quite fruitful in terms of what we could expect from the MBA programme in general.

The virtual auditorium was an interactive platform that informed the students about all the relevant details. It was a kind of a seminar that provided much-needed guidance to the students and also briefed them with the tips and inputs for the selection process. In the hindsight, it becomes crucial to attend this for all the prospective candidates to clear any ounce of doubt they might have.  Now, the experience of my Selection Process was well organized and swift. We were allotted different slots and sessions according to which we were expected to log in within our time frame.

Soon after logging in through the link provided in the IBS portal, the panellists allowed me into the online room to conduct the personal interview. I was asked varied personal, technical and management level questions along with the presentation that I had prepared. In about fifteen minutes, I was done with the process. The way everything was meticulously organized felt like a breeze to go through.  After my selection, we had classes on the online platform.

IBS provided all the required academic tools to substitute for the in-person classes. All the study material, relevant notes and case studies were systematically arranged on the Quicforce platform provided to all the students. When the hybrid mode of attending classes was in effect, the presence of Digital Boards in the classrooms delivered better readability and clarity to all the students such that we shared a similar learning ambience be it online or offline. Availability of such digital resources and equipment certainly helped in better understanding of the fundamental concepts during consultations and doubt-sessions. Furthermore, there were no qualms or hesitations in visiting the campus as all the covid protocols and norms were strictly enforced by the campus security.


Overall, the way IBS handles its operations makes me proud of my decision to associate myself and my career in the hands of this esteemed institution.      -Sahil Jassal (21BSP1018)  

IBS Hyderabad GD-PI Experience 2:  

 How was my IBSAT Experience?

A dream does not become reality through magic. It takes sweat, determination, and hard work. When the whole world was going through a pandemic, we students were fighting an altogether different battle of our careers, which was filled with uncertainties and we all were hoping for a COVID-free 2021. Holding onto that hope, I was filling the admission forms for MBA colleges.

 Owing to the pandemic, most of the colleges were opting for the home-based selection test instead of the selection process in the campus. IBSAT was the common entrance test for all the 9 colleges of IBS (ICFAI Business School) which was scheduled on two dates in December 2020. Since it was an online proctored exam, we had three different time slots available to give the exam. Three sample question papers were also available on the website to practice this new normal of giving entrance exams. IBSAT is a two-hour test and is aimed at testing the applicant’s ability in Quantitative Techniques, Data Interpretation, Data Adequacy, Vocabulary, Analytical Reasoning, and Reading Comprehension.

 In 15 Days, the IBSAT result was declared and candidates were shortlisted for the next rounds of the selection process.  

How was my IBS Online Interview Experience? Once the result was declared, all the shortlisted candidates were enrolled for Online Selection briefings and were told about the selection process, fee payments, IBS campuses, education loans and other information related to admission followed by a Q&A session at the end of the briefing. Students were asked to attend the selection briefings online with their parents. A duration of 30 days was available to prepare for the selection process and during this period of preparation, online doubt clearing lectures were conducted by different campuses. Students were given tips on how to prepare for the micro presentation and interview rounds. The first round of the selection process was an online 10-minute micro presentation round, in which the students were asked to present a topic of their choice and explain it verbally without using any audio-visual aid such as PowerPoint presentations, etc. The second and final round of the section process was the interview round. It was an online interview comprising of a two-member panel. The interviewers asked a mix of questions from personal hobbies, aspirations in life, basic business knowledge and academic interests. Within the next 15 days, the result of the selection process was declared. The whole admission process was online, seamless, and user-friendly. As the world continued to be in the grip of the second wave of COVID-19, classes started in the virtual mode. Before commencing the first semester classes, orientation classes spread across two weeks were conducted. The objective of these classes was to familiarize the students from different backgrounds with the basic knowledge of business, Excel for business, soft skills, learning from the case study method and accounting. IBS is known for its case-based learning methodology. Therefore, in the orientation classes students were introduced to case studies. Another enabling tool for both the learners and teachers is the learning management system. Quicforce is the online learning management system used by all the IBS campuses in facilitating the online learning of students. We had several sessions to familiarize with the system and also activities which were on Quicforce. This was very useful as submission of assignments, quizzes, polls, discussions, downloading resources and taking exams were through Quicforce. Offline classes, all IBS campuses started classes in hybrid mode. This meant some students could attend offline classes in the campus and the remaining students attended the classes online. Now, we are looking at a possible third wave of COVID-19 and the virtual mode has become the new normal. The seamless and student-friendly admission process of IBS will come in handy for all MBA aspirants. And hopefully, return to the campus and enjoy the best of facilities, peer-to-peer networks, experience immersive learning through classes and curricular and extracurricular activities.   -Astha Singh Enrolment ID: 21BSP0627 Batch of 2021-2023  

IBS Hyderabad GD-PI Experience 3:   How has been my overall IBS Experience?

Back in the December of 2019, when the news of the novel coronavirus had started doing the rounds, little did we know that it would bring along with it, a series of long drawn and perhaps, never ending implications. While schools shut their doors to the happy bustle of their pupils and offices asked their employees to relocate to their homes even for the purpose of work, the world had seemingly come to a stand-still. However, that wasn’t the case for people like you (the incoming batch of oh-so-amazing learners) and me.

In the same context, might I ask as to what exactly comes to your mind, when you hear the word, “Interview”? If I am not very wrong, you might just picture a well-dressed, perhaps bespectacled interviewer questioning and cross-questioning an interviewee in a face-to-face setting. Needless to say, such wasn’t the case when I had appeared for the selection process at ICFAI Business School, around 10 months ago. Like any other interaction that used to be held in a physical format previously, selection procedures of B-schools across the country and the world had shifted base entirely to the online mode. To be honest, it was altogether, a very different experience. In what sense you ask?

 Well then, allow me to elaborate. Candidates were asked to prepare a 10-minute micro-presentation for the esteemed interviewers to judge their communication abilities/skills. This was followed by a quick interactive session to understand the candidate’s overall knack of pursuing a highly competitive course like an MBA/PGPM and whether or not he/she had it in him/her to pursue the same till the very end. In this context, I must add that the institution left no stone unturned to conduct a seamless selection process in terms of operational excellence. Every candidate was given a Zoom link and was invited to speak accordingly. Coupled with that, amiable and patient interviewers made the process easier, especially for a candidate who might be jittery on the D-day. Fast forward to December 2021,

 the day I am penning this piece for all of you to read: It would be quite an understatement to say that it was an exhilarating experience so far, at IBS. Contrary to popular belief, I consider myself lucky that in my 20+ years of education (and work), I have had the chance to be in a physical setting as well as in an online system. While studying online here at IBS, the administration of every class starting from the drawing up of the section wise class schedule to making session recordings available on our intra-learning management system, the eye for detail of the Academic team is impeccable.

Despite falling short on the aspect of attending physical classes and the traditional methodology of gaining knowledge, every professor here at IBS made sure that we learnt and learnt well. Even when the institution decided to adopt a hybrid system of learning, catering to the offline as well as online needs, the strategy and the near perfection with which this approach was adopted, surprised many. Classrooms are well equipped with giant-smartboards and microphones so that the students who decide to attend their classes offline as well as those who cannot, can all learn in equal measures. It shouldn’t come as a surprise that hard times befall us more often than not. Whether or not we leverage what we have and make full use of the available resources or simply decide to give up and pine, it is completely our call to take! After all, as the famous footballer, Pele had once rightfully stated, “Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrificing and most of all, love of what you’re doing or learning to do!”

  -Sneha Das Enrolment ID: 21BSP3447 Batch of 2021-2023  

IBS Hyderabad GD-PI Experience 4:  

 What's my background?

After completing my graduation in the year 2021, I was interested to take admission in management colleges and during graduation I was good at management skills. So, I started to prepare for CAT, NMAT and other entrance exam and as well as private colleges entrance test. Then I came to know about IBS college entrance exam known as IBSAT, I registered and started preparing with full dedication. The exam was conducted remotely and duration of the exam was 3 hours. After some days I received a mail from IBS that I have cleared the test and have been selected for further selection process that is Interview and Micro-presentation. I started to prepare for my interview and for my presentation.  

What's my take on IBS (ICFAI Business School)?

On 22nd February my Interview and show were planned, first and foremost they informed us about IBS establishment and afterward we needed to trust that our turn will introduce and to give the meeting. My turn came and I gave my meeting just as show and every one of the exercises were led without a hitch. I was eagerly waiting for the results, some days after the selection process I got the results over the email and it stated that I was selected and I was very excited to start my journey with IBS and I was allotted the Pune campus. I was asked to upload the required documents on the portal.

 After a few days and I received a mail about college opening and I was very happy to explore the studies along with new endeavors ahead. But due to second wave of Covid-19 the sessions were conducted online and the faculty is very supportive. All events and also annual functions were conducted virtually, but was an amazing experience. I had a chance to be in of the clubs of the college where I had a chance to sharpen my some of the skills such as team player leadership and other skills.

 Till day the lectures are conducted virtually, and also the main event of the college which was Zeal 21 was also conducted online and I was given the chance to be in the organizing committee. I had till now a good experience in my management college. Following a couple of days and I received a mail about school opening and I was exceptionally glad to investigate the examinations alongside new undertakings ahead. However, because of second wave of Covid-19 the Classes were led on the web and the personnel is extremely steady. All occasions and furthermore yearly capacities were led basically, yet was an astonishing encounter. I got an opportunity to be in of the clubs of the school where I got an opportunity to sharpen my abilities like team player, leadership and different abilities.

 Till day the lectures are conducted virtually, and also the main event of the college which was Zeal 21 was also conducted online and I was given the chance to be in the organizing committee. I had till now a good experience in my management college. At the point when my subsequent semester began I was additionally approached to enroll for my entry level position program the school assist me with building my CV and furthermore many organization visited here where we got an opportunity to show up for the meeting. I got chosen in SJ Advisor which is situated in Amanora. My subsequent semester is likewise being led on the web and my classes are going quite well. Nonetheless, I can sincerely express that learning web based during the Covid flare-up was a brilliant encounter for me.   -ANIKET JHA  

IBS Hyderabad GD-PI Experience 5:  

How was my first ever online interview?

 Firsts are always scary. And so was this! At least this was how I imagined it to be. Dreaded how will things fall into place. Of not knowing zoom at all, to now being an equal partner. My mind hadn’t been that disrupted like the way it was then. To be unable to answer questions like- how will this go? How will I look? Will I be able to pour my thoughts rightfully to the interviewee? Only I wished someone to save me from the anxiety. And then, there my turn came in. It said and I quote “Radhika un-mute yourself” and it was like I’d lost the power to follow it. Alas! My zoom ditched on me.

It wasn’t working, and I thought id lost it. I have lost my chance, it’s over. Then a moment later I received a call, the person said to log in again. And I precisely followed what he said. And there were the faces who, I guess waited so patiently when my zoom hung up on me. They had a warm smile to make me feel at ease. I never imaged it would start at a pace so normal and comfortable. My fear, anxiety had all turned into a feeling which didn’t want the interview to get over. ‘Ask me questions’, was all I wanted. The way they drove the interview had my mind blown, they didn’t make even a question difficult to answer, as if like I’d prepare for it for almost always! The trail had to come to an end, and so warm greetings were exchanged with a click on the red button on the screen.

  -Radhika Mehra  

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