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Is IIM RANCHI PGDHRM a good option?
April 13 2024

 The Indian Institute of Management, Ranchi is an autonomous business school based in Ranchi, Jharkhand, India. It is the 9th IIM inaugurated on 6th July 2010. IIM Ranchi offers a two-year Post-Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM) and Post Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management (PGDHRM), five-year Fellowship Program and Executive Programs. It is one of the most respected and prestigious B-Schools in India.


The business environment in which various companies and firms operate and compete with each other keeps changing. Some changes occur suddenly while some take time building up and hence have a greater impact. Changes in the business environment take many forms and create new challenges.

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The changes in the business environment are due to various reasons like:

  • Changes in customer needs and preferences as they keep looking for cheaper and convenient options.
  • Technological advancements enhance the functioning of the firms.
  • Rapid changes in global markets and economies.
  • Rise in competition.
  • Rise in the number of skilled human resource.
  • Changes in the banking and finance sector etc.
  • Globalization and privatization of firms.
  • Changes in the government policies etc.

Read about IIM Ranchi here.


To save themselves from unnecessary fallouts, firms should always brace themselves from such changes in the business environment. Hence, in a firm, the corporations and their managers are under a great deal of pressure since they are vested with the responsibility of the firm. It’s their job to keep pace with rapid technological, financial, globalization or competitive changes. The most important business strategy to survive through such changes is to have a strong well-proof and highly-skilled human resource. To not just make ends meet but also contribute to the expansion of a business, the HR has to be strategic and keep upgrading itself. The PGDHRM at IIM Ranchi is based on the understanding of this continuous changing process. The course curriculum is made in such a manner that it seeks to provide to its candidates detailed business knowledge, skilled HR Management Strategies, and its applications.

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THE OBJECTIVES OF THE PGDHRM AT IIM RANCHI: The main goal of the PGDHRM at IIM Ranchi is to build HR Professionals who:

  • Understand the business of the firm and its functions.
  • Know what is expected of them.
  • Understand the build the credibility, goodwill, and respect of the firm.
  • Encourage and motivate the workforce.
  • Ensure that the targets are met.

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 IIM Ranchi seeks to create the best HR personnel who are business-oriented, skilled, knowledgeable, adaptable, ethical and capable to lead and manage both workforce and business of the firm. Hence, it’s worth doing the PGDHRM from a college as prestigious as IIM Ranchi!

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Rahul Singh




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