Harvard Business School (SPNM), MBA: SP Jain Institute of Management & Research, Master of Information Technology, Virginia Tech.
We all know General Knowledge questions are an integral part of some management exams. Every student should try and maximize their marks in GK questions since they don't up more than a few seconds to answer which increases your chances of scoring higher marks. However, with the burden of preparing for the other sections, students usually don't focus on GK and hence, lose out on the opportunity of scoring high.
Check Out: CMAT Courses and XAT Courses
Which MBA exams ask GK questions?
MBA exams that have a GK section are XAT, SNAP, IIFT, CMAT, MICAT, TISSNET, and MAT. Each of these exams has allocated a weightage of anywhere between 10 % to 30% to GK. This is why GK becomes an integral part of MBA exams and students need to diligently prepare for it. GK on animals is also frequently asked in all these exams, so it comes in handy if you know some of the commonly asked GK questions on animals.
What are some of the common GK questions on animals?
GK questions on animals are usually a part of static GK, so you can expect one or two questions based on animals. The following are some of the GK questions and answers related to animals that are frequently asked in management entrance exams such as XAT, IIFT, SNAP, etc.
All the Superlatives:
1 | The largest living animal is the | Rorqual or blue whale |
2 | The largest bird alive is the | Ostrich |
3 | The smallest bird alive is the | Hummingbird |
4 | The fastest land animal is the | Cheetah |
5 | The largest land animal is the | African bush elephant |
6 | The world's heaviest flying bird is the | Great Bustard |
7 | The tallest living animal is the | Giraffe |
8 | The bird which has the largest wingspan is the | Albatros |
9 | The world's largest aquarium is | the Sydney Aquarium |
10 | The fastest-moving land snake in the world is the | Black Mamba |
11 | The world's largest zoological reserve is the | Etosha National Park, Namibia |
12 | The oldest domestic Cat on record lives for how many years | Thirty-six years |
13 | The largest flying mammal is the | Mouse-eared bat |
14 | The world's largest deer is the | Alaskan moose |
15 | The largest of all lizards is the | Komodo Dragon |
16 | The largest known frog is the | Ora |
17 | The longest-known frog is the | Goliath Grog |
18 | The longest insect in the world is the | Giant Stick Insect |
19 | The fastest-moving insect in the world is the | Tropical cockroach |
20 | The country which is the largest exporter of hippopotamuses in Europe is | Hungary |
21 | The largest seabird is the | Albatross |
22 | The world's smallest animal is the | Skunk like zorilla of Africa |
23 | The smallest member of the cat family is the | Rusty-spotted cat of south India |
24 | The largest Kangaroo in the world is the | Red Kangaroo |
25 | The smallest known fish is the | Dwaft pygmy goby |
26 | The smallest dog on earth is the | Chihuahua |
27 | The insect which has the largest population on earth is the | Wasp |
28 | The largest Indian deer is the | Sambar |
The largest land animal in the world, the African Bush Elephant
The first ones:
29 | India's first sanctuary was the | Corbett National Park in Uttar Pradesh |
30 | The first forest show was established in Mexico in the year | 1898 |
The Scientific ones:
31 | A group of invertebrate animals which have segmented bodies and jointed limbs is called | Arthropods |
32 | A period of dormancy in winter by some animals known as | Hibernation |
33 | Animals having backbone (vertebra) are known as | Vertebrates |
34 | The elephant's trunk is actually a modified | Incisor |
35 | Butterflies come under the family | Lepidoptera |
36 | Egg-laying mammals are called | Prototherians |
37 | The largest division of the animal kingdom is the | Arthropoda |
38 | Fishes evolved in which era | Silurian |
Animals like bears, groundhogs, and squirrels go into hibernation during winter
The Interesting ones:
39 | The bird which lays more than 100 eggs in one nest is the | Ostrich |
40 | The mammal that lives at the greatest altitude is the | Yak |
41 | A common domesticated animal that cannot taste sweet is the | Cat |
42 | Albatross is a large | Sea bird |
43 | Austrian scientist Konrad Lorenz is famous for | Study on Geese |
44 | A camel can remain without water for | 30 days |
45 | A common domesticated animal that is color-blind is the | Dog |
46 | A two-humped camel is called | A Bactrian camel |
47 | It is widely believed that Ostrich buries its head in sand which is | Not true |
48 | The animal revered by the Buddhists as their sacred animal is the | White elephant |
49 | The diet of a gorilla is purely | Vegetarian |
50 | There are how many kinds of cat species in India | Fifteen |
51 | The whale believed to be a fish is actually a | Mammal |
52 | The first animal to go into space was | Dog |
53 | The size of a newly born kangaroo is | 2.5 cms |
54 | The organ which is missing in the Camel is the | Gall bladder |
55 | The Archerfish catches its flies by | Spitting at them |
56 | How many arms a giant squid has | Ten |
57 | The whale's nostrils are situated on the | Top of its head |
58 | A bird that lays only one egg in two years is the | Albatross |
59 | The average pregnancy period of a female dog is | 63 days |
60 | The fish that can taste with its whole body is the | Catfish |
A Catfish can taste with its entire body!
The Only ones:
61 | The only animal that sleeps on its back is | Man |
62 | The only ape found in India is the | Hoolock's Gibbon |
63 | The only mammal that can fly is the | Bat |
64 | The only fish that makes a nest is the | Stickleback |
65 | The only animal which has four knees is the | Elephant |
The Albatross is the largest seabird, and it lays an egg only once in two years
Countries, continents, and other places of these animals:
66 | The continent which is known as the land of Kangaroo is | Australia |
67 | Rat snakes are found in | South-East Asia |
68 | The country in which Yak is found is | Tibet |
69 | The country in which kiwi is found is | New Zealand |
70 | Wadia Institute of Himalayan Zoology is located at | Delhi |
71 | Dudhwa National Park is located in | Uttar Pradesh |
72 | The wildlife sanctuary where we find Asiatic lions is the | Gir Forest |
73 | Bharatpur bird sanctuary is situated in | Rajasthan |
74 | The temple in which rats are revered, fed, and protected is the | Karni Mata in Rajasthan |
75 | The giant stick Insect is found in | Indonesia |
76 | Goldfish originally belongs to | China |
77 | Snow leopards are found in | Himalayas |
78 | Elephant fish are found in | Tropical Africa |
79 | Ranganthittu bird sanctuary is located near | Mysore |
80 | Penguins are found in the | South pole |
All the Fun groups:
81 | A group of lions is called | a Pride |
82 | A group of peacocks is called a | Muster |
83 | A group of snakes is called a | Den |
84 | A group of foxes is called a | Skulk |
85 | A group of cats is called a | Clutter |
86 | A group of eagles is called a | Convocation |
87 | A group of hares is called a | Husk |
88 | A group of quail is called a | Bevy |
89 | A group of fish is called a | Shoal |
90 | A group of sheep is called a | Flock |
91 | A group of wolves is called a | Pack |
92 | A group of cattle is called a | Herd |
93 | A group of gorillas is called a | Band |
94 | A group of elephants is called a | Herd |
A group of eagles is called a Convocation
Other names for some animals:
95 | The female of a stag is called a | Hind |
96 | The male of a cow is called a | Bull |
97 | The young of an elephant is called a | Calf |
98 | The young one of goat is called a | Kid |
99 | The cat belongs to a family called | Felidae |
100 | The cat which is commonly used in the hunting game is the | Cheetah |
101 | A female rabbit is called a | Doe |
102 | A female horse is called a | Mare |
103 | A female pig is called a | Sow |
104 | A fox's tail is called a | Brush |
105 | A female Ass is called as | Jenny |
106 | The young one of tiger is called | Ligon |
107 | A squirrel's home is called a | Drey |
A last few:
108 | The average weight of a blue whale is | 1,20,000 kg. |
109 | The number of known species of mammals is | 4230 |
110 | The number of teeth a fox has is | Forty-two |
111 | The number of bones in the giraffe's neck is | Seven |
112 | How many arms does an octopus have | Eight |
113 | The word hamster means | Hoarder |
114 | The word langur means | Long-tailed |
115 | The word reptile means | To Creep |
The giraffe has seven bones on its neck!
Any F.R.I.E.N.D.S connection?
116 | A young kangaroo is called a | Joey |
117 | The Science of fossils is called | Paleontology |
Some tips to remember GK:
- Sort questions into categories so that you recollect the answers when you think of the category.
- Keep revisiting the questions that you have learned in the past, the human brain tends to unlearn things, so make sure you keep refreshing your memory.
- Try to link questions and answers of static GK to things in your life, For e.g. I'm sure most of you will now recall that a young kangaroo is called joey (at least those who have watched F.R.I.E.N.D.S).
- Also, try to visualize the answers; Eg. If you see the picture of the animal that is being talked about (like the Albatross), you have a higher chance of remembering it for longer.
- For Current affairs, the best way would always be to read the newspaper and keep up-to-date with the news. Mugging up current affairs at the last moment would be a complete waste of time and energy.
- Try to make your own notes, it has been found to be the most effective way of memorizing anything in the long term.
I hope you found this article on GK questions based on animals helpful and hope that it helps to increase your GK knowledge. Feel free to comment if you have any doubts or questions.
Happy preparations!
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