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GRE 320+ in 90 days
April 12 2024

90 days is ideal period to study for GRE to get best possible score. But the period is long enough to lose your motivation and momentum. So the plan must be made flexible enough to avoid any possible disruptions such as work or family commitments to your study schedule. The schedule is divided into two parts. First part will focus on mastering the strategic approaches to each type of question on the GRE which includes vocabulary and math content knowledge and getting the answers to the questions right. The second part will focus on answering questions quickly and challenging yourself with tough questions. Essential Materials

ETS Official GRE Guide 2nd Edition

  • Manhattan 8 New GRE Strategy Guides (At least buy one (Preferably RC) to access their 6 online tests)
  • Princeton 1014 Practice questions for New GRE
  • Manhattan 500 Essential Words
  • Manhattan 500 Advanced Words
  • Nova Math Bible
  • Powerscore GMAT Critical Reasoning Bible
  • ETS Powerprep Software
  • Magoosh GRE Prep (Strongly Recommended)
  • Barron’s 1100 words you need to know
  • Manhattan 5 lb. Book of GRE Practice Problems (1800+ Practice Problems)
  • Majortests.com’s 1500 Wordlists
  • Barron’s 333 High Frequency words (If you have time, must read all of these)

First step towards preparation Find your strength and weaknesses before you can know exactly what to spend the most time studying. Then target your weaknesses while also building on your strengths. Schedule 4 hours to take the test if you write the essays and 3 hours if you choose to skip the essays. Also do plan to invest at least two hours in reviewing the test. Try to review the test later the same day or in the next day or two. Take a full-length test and find out what your Quantitative and Verbal scores . The test results should include your scores and information about questions which were attempted correct and which were attempted wrong.

  The GRE testmaker, ETS, offers two free practice tests with its POWERPREP® II software at http://www.ets.org/gre/revised_general/prepare/powerprep2. Study Plan Below study plan can be changed as per your convenience. We have considered you can spend 3 hours per day on weekdays and 6 hours per day on weekends. Daily schedule for first month Verbal

  • 40 words per day from Manhattan 500 Essential and Advanced Words. Write them in your notebook and make mnemonics to help you remember.
  • You can follow this link to help you in preparation www.mnemonicdictionary.com.
  • Learn RC strategies from Manhattan RC Guide, practice 2 RC’s per day. Try to get maximum answer right and even though it is taking more time.


  • Try to complete all Manhattan 6 Quantitative Series of Books in 20 days
  • After that, start with the Princeton 1014 Practice Questions

Daily schedule for next 15 days Verbal

  • Go with Manhattan SE TC Guide and attempt all the SE TC Questions
  • Next, go with SE TC Drills from Princeton 1014 Practice Questions
  • For CR, Practice all the CR Drills from PowerScore GMAT CR Bible
  • Go through Majortests.com’s 1500 wordlists / Barron’s 1100 words


  • Finish Princeton 1014 Practice Questions
  • Next, go with ETS Official Guide to solve all the Quantitative sums
  • Do sums from Manhattan 5 lb. book of GRE Practice Problems
  • Solve Magoosh Practice Problems

Daily schedule for next 20 days Verbal

  • For RC, Practice all the RC Drills from Manhattan RC and Princeton 1014 Practice Questions
  • Go through Majortests.com’s 1500 wordlists / Barron’s 1100 words


  • Go with Nova Math Bible and Finish it
  • Do sums from Manhattan 5 lb. book of GRE Practice Problems
  • Solve Magoosh Practice Problems

Daily Schedule for next 17 days

  • 1st Day: Magoosh Practice Test or Kaplan 1st MST
  • 2nd Day: Magoosh Practice Test or Kaplan 2nd MST 
  • 3rd Day: Magoosh Practice Test or Kaplan 3rd MST 
  • 4th Day: Magoosh Practice Test or Kaplan 4th MST 
  • 5th Day: Magoosh Practice Test or Kaplan 5th MST 
  • 6th Day: ETS Official Guide 1st Practice Test
  • 7th Day: ETS Official Guide 2nd Practice Test
  • 8th Day: Manhattan 1st MST
  • 9th Day: Manhattan 2nd MST
  • 10th Day: Manhattan 3rd MST
  • 11th Day: Manhattan 4th MST
  • 12th Day: Manhattan 5th MST
  • 13th Day: Manhattan 6th MST
  • 14th Day: ETS Powerprep 1st Test
  • 15th Day: ETS Powerprep 2nd Test
  • 16th Day: Revise words, Math formulaes and Take proper rest
  • The D – Day: The GRE Exam

GREKing hopes this GRE Study Plan will help you to achieve that 320+ GRE Score. All the best

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Anisha Mukhija

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