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MET GDPI Experiences
April 15 2024

 Vastal Joshi

Being an MBA aspirant, I was always looking for the best option for an MBA college.

While looking for the best MBA college in Mumbai, I came across MET, Mumbai which provides a Post Graduate Diploma in Management course.

I was eligible for the application in MET as I had scored well in my CMAT exam.

MET provide online application process as –

1 Round – SOP ( Statement of Purpose )

2 Round – PI ( Personal Interview )

In 1st round we had to make a video responding to following questions

  • Self Introduction
  • Where do you see yourself in 5years
  • Why do you want to pursue MBA
  • Why MET

After clearing the first round,

In the 2nd Round there was a personal interview with the Dean and mentors.

It was all about my confidence and clarity for pursuing MBA. There, I was supposed to talk about the world’s current scenario and its effects on the Indian economy, and other questions

In tough times of the pandemic, my admission experience with MET, Mumbai was smooth and nice.

Neel Vesaria

As an MBA aspirant, It was my dream to get admission for MBA in a reputed college in Mumbai. With all my research I found that MET is the perfect option for me, so MET Mumbai was on the top of my list.

After I cleared my CMAT exam I applied at MET, due to pandemic situation all the procedure was online which include SOP and PI.

While applying to the college, we were asked to submit a SOP video. It included the response of various questions like tell me about yourself, my strengths, my weaknesses, my hobbies, etc. It was a 3-minute long video. I also mentioned why I wanted to do PGDM from MET college. It was a smooth interview round.

After 1st round of SOP, I was shortlisted for the online interview. Two interview panelists took my interview. One of them was the Dean of the PGDM course at MET Mumbai..

They asked basic questions like

  • Why I wanted to choose MET college.
  • Why a sudden change of field, etc.

After a few weeks, I got an offer of admission from the college itself. It was indeed a smooth application process.

Ruchika Khaire

A year ago, I was preparing so hard  for my MBA entrance exams. Somehow, I managed to clear ATMA.

And I applied to top most colleges in Mumbai and I was shortlisted by  MET Institute of Post Graduation Diploma in Management for online selection and interview process.

MET Online admission process consisted of SOP video and personal interview. Before going to process I went through and understand all the procedure with the help of MET alumni.

1st round included making of SOP ( short video ) which includes –

  • Brief Introduction
  • Goals and aim
  • Reason for doing MBA

After 1st round I was sure to be called for 2nd and last round of the admission process, and here I got call for personal interview. Due to pandemic situation it was not a physical interview  but on a call.

Questions asked in PI round here –

  • My strength and weakness
  • My passion
  • About work experience ( As I had work experience )

Soon after the smooth interview process, I received a mail from the admin confirming my addmission.

Hardik Ruparelia (ATMA)

In the journey of the B-school admission process MET PGDM was my destination.

After getting good score in ATMA, I applied to MET and soon I was shortlisted for online admission process.

As before admission I gone through MET campus and its infrastructure I was impressed and willing to stepped in MET admission process.

Because of the pandemic, MET conducted all of our interviews and selections online.

As part of the process, I had to film a short video (SOP) about myself, my ambitions, and why I wanted to pursue an MBA.

Following the SOP,  we had a telephonic interview where my skills and weaknesses were discussed. Questions about my professional experience were also asked because I had it.

After the process I was happy to received an email from the admin confirming my acceptance.

Overall it was an amazing experience.


  • Be sound in your technical area.
  • Be confident about yourself and your strengths
  • Be alert
  • Talk about latest technology
  • Study about the courses that they are offering
  • Basics of MBA and its stream like Marketing, Finance, HR, Operations


GD/PI Date: 31st MAY
Time: 12 – 1 PM
Batch No.: 14

We were suppose to be 15 in a batch but 3-4 were absent.

Gd topics:
1. Should animals be used in drug testing & medicine testing?
2. Impact of economic reforms as being rich becoming richer n poor becoming poorer.

As a majority we chose the first one I.E. Should animals be used in drug testing n medicine testing?

Then we were given few mins to note down the points & then we were asked to start.
I was fully prepared to start the gd but suddenly someone started by shouting this is our gd topic and we need to talk about it ( he was a very weird guy who is been trying for an mba from the past 12 yrs. ) then everyone gave a brief description about it…
There was a guy from the pharmacy background and wanted to talk since when and when he got the chance to talk he went into the in-depth knowledge about the topic rather I would say way ahead of the topic then while he was speaking suddenly everyone got bored listening to the technicalities, I mean about how a drug is prepared and stuff like that.

Then I spoke about some rules by the government and thus I went on and on…
One thing I learnt was we need to guide people who are going on the wrong track as this will help us gain a point and when I did this I realized that the moderator was quite happy with that,
Later in the end since the gd was not concluding the moderator had to interfere and told every one to conclude and gave each one of us 20 secs to conclude…..

Thus my gd was nice as I feel the moderator was happy with my gd and in the end appreciated me too

But but but………….
The pi was sort of a viva ……

When I entered there were 2 panelists sitting (man & lady)
Man: are you from bms background?
I: yes sir
Man: define management
I: plan organize execute in time and in budget etc etc etc…
Man: ur favorite subject?
I: (got nervous and said) productivity and quality mgmt.
Man: do u knw abt sku’s, six sigma, quality circles?
I: yes sir I do know about it like more about quality circles.
Man: tell me 5 sentences on quality cirlces?
I: blabbered some things abt it….
Lady: when did you do your job?
I: during my break after my 1st year…
Lady: all right, it’s ok you can send the next participant in.

And I was shocked to see that it hardly took me 1 min to go in and come out

So this was my experience about my gd/pi hope to see more of such experiences.


Hi all,
My venue was MET, Bandra – A decent college and a very co-operative faculty.

The GD started with two topics:
1) Should India continue to pursue talks with Pakistan?
2) Are the principles of peace and non-violence still relevant?

We tried to had a little discussion for deciding on which topic to choose but only I was the one who contributed an opinion to which everybody agreed. Then, we then had a formal poll and select the first topic.
We were then provided 5 mins to jot down our points.
After the start signal was given, there was a long pause clearly showing people’s hesitation to start with. I, therefore, grabbed this opportunity and started with the introduction went back to the history of Indo/Pak partition, Kargil wars and then came to the current scenario which was started under Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s leadership. (one thing I noticed that I was allowed to speak for more than a minute and nobody was ready to take it further. I, therefore, concluded my statement saying that now let’s take the topic forward by discussing the pros and cons of the talks between India and Pak..)

Finally one out of 8 of us, took it forward (don’t remember what he said). A lady in the group (3rd speaker) simply wanted to show off her team spirit and was asking each other to speak up and give others a chance to speak when she herself hadn’t mentioned a single point. Anyways. Meanwhile, I also tried to mention the problems faced by each nation and each others’ niche areas which I guess these college freshers were least interested in.

People kept expressing their views but kept saying the same thing over and over again that the talks should continue w/o justifying why?

Then in the 5-6th minute, there erupted an until-now-silent-guy who took this stance of destroying Pakistan with nuclear bombs and weapons. People at least 3 at a time pounced on him because I guess everybody was waiting to get into a confrontation. They continued their war of words and created a fish market. The judges then warned them.

Experience No.7

Place: MET Bandra

Date:3rd June
Reached the center by about 8:30 am. MET is near Lilavati Hospital so guys tell the rickshawala to drop there as mine didn’t know about MET college. So entered and I was told to assemble in a room. Forms were given to fill. I thank you guys for early information about the form hence I was prepared with the answers. My suggestion for others would be to prepare these answers well in advance as it helps a lot. Specimen forms you can get from these sites. Anyway, we all were told to assemble in a room where chairs were arranged in a semicircular position. The panelist then entered. In all three of them. One oldie(nearing retirement I think), other was a lady and a guy both in their mid-30s.

Group Discussion
Topics were given.
1)Yesterday’s wars were fought for supremacy, tomorrows war will be fought for market share.
2)One does not need an MBA to pursue a successful career in management.

All of us unanimously voted for the second topic(the first was a bit too long I think)We were given three minutes to jot down our thoughts a then were asked to begin. I wanted to start but couldn’t as a girl started before me. The GD was excellent. Better than I expected as I had heard that most of the other GDS were fishmarket. It was a healthy discussion. Everyone was given a chance to others to speak except for one girl who didn’t want to give chance to anyone. The girl in the blue shirt(if she is reading this), in GD team behavior matters hence I had to cut her to make my point. But credit to her as she was thoroughly prepared and presented good points. I pitched in 5 times. Made some valid points the GD were at a time dominated by three of us. The panelist then stopped all of us then asked us to conclude the topic.

They were divided into groups and were asked to wait until we were called for the interview. Being the first one in the group I was called first in the group.

Personal Interview

The panelist P1 was a woman in her forties and a guy in his thirties.

P1: Why do you want to do an MBA(so soon I had expected this question but not so soon) I gave the answer as was prepared with it.
P2: Which field do you want to specialize in?
Ans: HR
P2: What qualities should the HR manager have. I told but then she said the very mentioned qualities are your weak points (Had mentioned it in the form) I corrected her by saying that it was a weak point but now I am working on it and also stated an example how I countered the very weak point.
P2: How can your Degree in Chemistry (I am a Chemistry graduate) help you with these………I answered.
P2: If you have a conflict between your workers and management whose side will you take…. I answered who is right to which she said there is no right or wrong in this world (Big thing)then I corrected my answer and I think I was successful in explaining her.
P1: (After a long gap )Asked what do you think will be thought in an HR MBA course.
I was prepared with the answer
P1: Name three women presidents of some countries
I could not recollect the name of German chancellor….
P1: Name the youngest minister recently inducted in the cabinet
Knew it by heart
Then I was asked to leave. No graduation related question. No work related question not even GK questions.STRANGE.
Then I came out and went to verify my documents as MET is an ARC center for verifying documents. I would urge you guys who have their GD & PI here in future to bring the originals and one photocopy each of
1)Postal Receipt of form
2)10th mark sheet
3)12th mark sheet
4)Graduation mark sheet
5)Graduation passing certificate
6)Nationality certificate (Domicile or school or college leaving certificate where nationality as Indian is mentioned)
You are not required to present these during GD or PI But you can verify these documents here in these visit itself and save a second visit.

Experience No.8

Interview Date:05th May 2019
Interview Time:11:30 am
No. of Panelists:GD- 2 PI-2
Interview Duration (in mins):GD- 12 to 15mins
PI- 5 mins
Questions and Answers:GD topic-Is today’s youth moving away from concept of savings

PI Topic – Tell me about an event at work which is not mentioned in your CV

Panelist: Tell me about yourself
Student: I am …

My name is Zarna Meisheri and I am currently student of MET Institute of Computer Science pursuing my PGDM in Human Resources. I have work experience of 20 months as HR Coordinator at Galderma India Pvt Ltd. I have completed my graduation in Bachelors of Business Administration (BBA) with specialization of Human Resources. Apart from my educational and professional qualifications, I am also and home baker and I specialize in all types of vegetarian desserts. The GD/Pi was overall good experience and I would rate that as 4 out of 5. Arrangement & process flow managed by the seniors was very impressive and nowhere I felt that I am not been guided well for my entire process. Topic for GD was good enough to be cracked. First impression of the campus and college was positive for me because of the way seniors managed our entire process. Panelists were quite attentive, and it gave me motivation to speak better which was not the case when I attended other college’s GD & PI. Seniors were approachable for queries and doubts. My entire admission process starting from application filling to selection was done within 2 days and that was I think so best experience for me and this shows that the team was working very hard for the selection process.

Experience No.9

Interview Date: 28th April, 2019.
Interview Time: 1.00 PM
No. of Panelists: Two
Interview DuraAon (in mins): GD- 15 MINUTES PI- 20 MINUTES
MY EXPERIENCE OF GDPI My name is Rishi Kabra and I am currently pursuing my post graduate diploma in management specializing in the field of Finance at MET InsBtute Mumbai. MET is one the premier B-Schools of India with its best in class infrastructure and the course outlay which will help the students to outshine in every dimensions of management. Over Here, learning is vivid and a student progresses to develop a judgement which is by far the most resilient aspect of development. At MET, I got a chance to explore subjects which will inculcate nonlinear thinking in a student and PGDM at MET is worth the money. My GDPI experience at MET was lekker. The enBre process is smooth but at the same Bme challenging as the panelists will be completely focusing on student’s prospecBve to answer quesBons, providing his raBonale about the global cues and market senBments. Current issues have so far been a paramount to convert a call at MET. My GD topic was completely based on generaBng innovaBve ideas to give a concrete reasoning as to how can technology and mankind act as synergy. The panelists were focused on assessing my reasoning and only the best could stand out in such topics. My PI was completely resume based. Before joining MET, I had internship experiences in the field of Real Estate, Investment Banking, Financial Market and Product markeBng I was asked to describe each and every internships in depth and my key learnings in those internships and my unique contribuBon to the firm which could make me standout from the rest. I would suggest all the MBA aspirants to be well read as on many occasions the panelist may ask you some tricky quesBons related to global cues and your raBonale to such a situaBon will be your key to secure a place at MET. Also know yourself well and the projects that you have handled successfully. I would recommend the aspirants to idenBfy their key strengths and weaknesses so that they can press upon their strengths and ace the interview.

Experience No.10

Interview Date: 28th April, 2019
Interview Time: 1:30 pm
No. of Panelists:
GD – 2
PI – 2
Interview Dura7on (in mins):
GD- 12- 15 MINUTES
MY EXPERIENCE OF GDPIMy name is Ameya Dandekar and I am currently pursuing my PGDM in MarkeHng from MET InsHtute of Computer Science. Before joining MET I was working at Dhote Offset Technokfrats Pvt Ltd for a 1 year and 3 months. This was one of the topics for discussion in my PI round where the panelists wanted to know about the experience that I had and the skills developed while working for the organaisaHon. The second quesHon is very important for a MBA aspirant to know why they are pursuing the degree. The panelist did ask me WHY I wanted to pursue an PGDM degree. AZer a year into my PGDM I understand the importance of WHY one should know the before joining the course. This was one of the major repeHHve quesHon asked to my peers also which shows how important the college considers this quesHon which every aspirant should have knowledge about. Coming to my GD it was a mature discussion which was well controlled by the panelist before it would lead to a quarrel. During GD the parHcipants could be seen adding points on each other’s perspecHves. The GD/PI procedure was smooth. Proper allocaHon and direcHon was given to the students about where will be sessions be held. To sum up the whole experience it was smooth & well managed.

Experience No.11

Interview Date: 28 April 2019
Interview Time: 11am
No. of Panelists: 2
Interview Duration (in mins): 12-15 minutes
Questions and Answers:
Panelist: Tell me about yourself
Student: I am currently working as a Talent Acquisition Executive at HR Placement Consultants, handling mid to high level profiles in media, banking and chemical industry. As a recruiter I achieved a minimum of 3 profile closures with minimum failure ratio. Prior to this I did my Bachelor’s in Arts (Sociology) from Mithibai College of Arts along with a Diploma in Graphic Design from FX School. I have interned as a graphic designer in companies like BookMyShow, Network 18 (CNBC division), Think Tank Entertainments Pvt Ltd and also taken up a few freelance projects. I want to specialize in the field of HR. I think PGDM is a platform that can help me develop suitable skills and boost my career.

Experience No.12

Interview Date: 28th April, 2019
Interview Time: 10am
No. of Panelists: 2
Interview Duration (in mins): 10-15 mins
Questions and Answers: Panelist: Tell me about yourself
Student: I have currently pursued BCOM from Narsee Monjee College of commerce and Economics along with my specialization in Business Management. I am planning to build my career in the field of marketing and pursuing an MBA would hone my skills and aid me with practical and fine knowledge in relation to the industry.
My GDPI Experience:
– My GD round was very interesting and informative.
• As soon as all the candidates were selled, the panelist gave us the topic. My topic wasn’t abstract and it focused on adverts.
• We were given one minute to note down our points.
• Each candidate had to introduce the topic in brief
• Post that the floor was open for discussion. Fortunately, my group discussion was rational and not chaotic.
• There was plenty of time for everyone to speak. If someone was not acquainted with the topic, then the panelist gave him/her the chance to summarize the discussion.
• The discussion continued for 20 mins and I must say it was a healthy discussion.
• We understood distinctive perspectives and at the same time debated the points we disagreed with.
• I would like to suggest that if you don’t have any idea about the topic, please note down the good points during the discussion and take a lead in summarizing the whole session.
• It must be noted that GD is a great opportunity to show your leadership qualities and gratitude at the same time
• Try not to be rude or blunt with any candidate during the discussion because it will be perceived negatively.
• It is advisable to practice mock GD rounds before you enter a real one.
-Talking about the PI round, it lasted for 15-20 mins.

Experience No.13

Interview Date: Interview Time:
No. of Panelists:
Students GDPI Template
28th April 2019
11:30 am
GD- 2 PI – 1
Interview Duration (in mins):
GD- 12 to 15mins
PI- 8 mins
Questions and Answers:
GD Topic – Causes of Air Pollution and how to combat it
PI Topic – Mention a few strengths and weakness’ and what have you done to overcome your weakness
Panelist: Tell me about yourself
Student: I am …
My name is Barkha Harjani. I completed my schooling from Premier high school, post which I majored in Bachelor’s in Accounting and Finance from H.R. college of commerce and Economics. I started work at PwC the same year as in Indirect tax trainee but before joining I took a small vacation to Spain as I love travelling. I love swimming and learning about new cultures.
Overall, the GD & PI process went extremely smoothly. There were no problems and the time was managed very well. The batch was divided such that if GD was being conducted in one room, PI would be simultaneously conducted in another room so that no student had to wait for too long. The volunteers were polite and guided us well. Our seniors were constantly taking care of us and answering any and all queries. The panelists were polite and attentive towards us which was a great confidence booster. All in all, the entire process was well managed.

Experience No.14

Interview Date: 5th May 2019
Interview Time: 9 AM
No. of Panelists: 2 (GD), 2 (PI)
Interview Duration (in mins): GD- 15 Mins, PI- 15 Mins
MY EXPERIENCE OF GDPI My name is Jai Kishan Joshi and I am currently pursuing my PGDM specializing in the field of Marketing at MET Institute Mumbai. MET is one of the top notch B-Schools of India providing its students with the top class infrastructure, the highly qualified faculties who are into the top positions in the corporate world. I had a very good experience in the selection rounds at MET. The GD topic which my group got for the discussion required rational thinking as well as knowledge of the current affairs. Apart from the content, the panelist also focused on other parameters which included communication skills, the thought process, confidence level as well as leadership skills. My personal interview was based on my resume and also had a few questions basedon current affairs. Apart from this, I had an internship experience in the field of construction so questions were asked on that as well and also being an engineer I was also asked about my motivation to switch from engineering to management. So to sum up, I would say that the selection process was very smooth and organized, and I would advise the aspirants to stay updated with the current affairs, prepare a well dramed resume and go through it properly and also be thorough with your past projects of graduation and internship.

Anisha Mukhija

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