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Science & Technology(Part II)
April 11 2024


Bharti Airtel launched its 4G services in 296 towns across India On 6th August 2015, 4G high-speed data services were launched in 296 towns in pan-India by Bharti Airtel. The service will be made available to customers through Wi-Fi routers, internet dongles and 4G-enabled mobile phones.With this, Bharti Airtel, the largest telecom company of India, became the first company to offer pan-India 4G network.4G service will be available to the customers at 3G prices with packs starting at 25 rupees. To provide the 4G services, Airtel has collaborated with mobile manufacturer major Samsung.In April 2012, Bharti Airtel launched the first 4G services in Kolkata and after that it is now available in 15 other cities of India.

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NASA Probe discovers New Planet ‘Kepler-453b’ NASA’s Kepler mission has discovered a new planet known as ‘Kepler-453b’. It is the 10th planet discovered by the Kepler mission. The Planet’s radius is 6.2 times that of Earth and about 6 per cent larger than Neptune. It’s size indicates it is a gas gaint, rather than a rockey planet and thus unable to have life on it.

New Search Engine developed by Indian-Canadian Anmol Tukrel Anmol Tukrel, a 16 year old Indian origin canadian designed a new personalised search engine that is more accurate than Google search engine. He designed the search engine as a high school project and submitted in the Google science fair also. He took nearly 60 hours for this coding. This new search engine is 47 per cent more accurate than Google. Unlike most search engines that use person’s location or browsing history to show the results, this search engine tries to show the most relevant result by mapping it to a user’s personality.

ISRO Successfully launched GSLV – D 6 Indian space Research Organisation (ISRO) successfully launched it’s Geo synchronous Satellite launch vehicle (GSLV)-D 6 on 27 August, 2015. GSLV – D 6 successfully placed it’s most advanced GSAT- D 6 satellite in it’s designated orbit. The launch vehicle is having the complex cryogenic engine. which is made in India. The GSAT-6 satellite will provide S-band Communication services mostly to the defence sector. The Weight of GSLV – D 6 launching Vehicle is 414.75 Tonnes.

NASA spacecraft finds neon gas in Moon’s atmosphere A NASA spacecraft has confirmed for the first time that the Moon’s thin atmosphere contains neon, a gas commonly used in electric signs on Earth because of its intense glow. This was published in the Geophysical Research Letters by Benna, lead author of a paper describing observations from Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer (LADEE)’s Neutral Mass Spectrometer (NMS) instrument.

Anisha Mukhija




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