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A Day in life of IIM Ahmedabad student
April 13 2024

Before joining the institute, I had spoken to quite a few people from IIMA and what they said about MBAs in general and IIMA, in particular, went something like this.

Grades, Social Life, Sleep – Choose 2 /3 …

But, I wanted to try handling all three simultaneously thinking I should be able to manage things. Well, the results are there to be seen. Here’s what happens when you try to get all three!

10:55 pm(yes, on weekends, days generally start after 6 pm) – Slam! The Managerial Computing (MC) Casemat shut on my table, I stare at the untidy bit of code on the laptop screen (which will work…eventually!), rub my eyes, glance at the watch – it’s 11:00 already! Off to the library!

11:00 pm – Media Cell meeting to discuss IIMA’s Social Media strategy for the coming year! One hour of intense discussion –  very exciting stuff planned ahead! (Keep following the IIMA blogTwitter and FB Pages to find out more!)

12:15 am – Running across to the new campus, through the subway that displays the proud history of the institute. Need to run to my CV mentor. Deadlines are sacrosanct here – PlaceCom deadlines, more so!

1:55 am – This time it is a calmer walk where I chance a glance at the pictures in the tunnel and read about Vikram Sarabhai at a glance. On the way to a Section-mate’s Birthday Bash! Midway into my 3rd packet of Chips, I realize I have to rush to a meeting in 5 mins!

2:00 am – Back to the air-conditioned environs of the library! Meeting with a member of the Forum for Industry Interaction (FII) – a consulting body entirely managed by IIMA students!

 I am amazed by the volume of transformational work being done within the institute as I learn more about the projects we are currently handling and our past engagements! This year promises an even better representation from the industry – can’t help but look forward to it unfolding! “

IIM campus, Campuslife, bschool campus


3:45 am – SLEEP! (3/3!!!) The past week had been relatively light as compared to the norm, but as soon as I fell on the bed i startezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz……..

10:00 am – “ALARM RINGS” – Snooze no. 5! (Thank GOD it’s a Sunday!)

10:10 am – “ALARM RINGS” – again!  NEED to wake up this time!

11:00 am – Meeting with the Consult Club co-ordinator this time! I am preparing a sector report for an industry I have never worked on before. The information overload that will take quite some time to process and assimilate! Learned about some really helpful databases and other resources –  time well spent!

Noon – Back to the dorm gathering my hazy thoughts of what to do next while making my way up the stairs. Just when I thought I saw the light at the end of the tunnel, I unlock the door to my room. Complete darkness! Try to feel my way through the wall to locate the tube-light switch to ‘enlighten’ me. No amount of ‘clicking’ works.

Off to the library … AGAIN!

It is surprising how much time I have started spending in the library, especially considering the fact that during my undergrad, I went to the library twice – to enquire about the availability of Diamond Comics (supposedly that’s not crucial to our undergraduate experience!) and the other time, to get back my umbrella which I had forgotten the first time!

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Rahul Singh

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