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GRE Exam Day- Must Bring Things!
April 15 2024

Imagine it’s just the night before the GRE exam and you’re already prepared for the test. You want to list down things important for the GRE Test Day. In this guide, we’ll go over the most important things which you can't afford to miss both for the computer-based GRE exam and paper-based!

Read More: what makes a good GRE score!

The Item You Must Bring: Valid Identification

A must bring an item to any administration of the GRE exam is valid identification. Without this, you will not be able to take your exam whether computer-based or paper-based.

So, what are the requirements for a valid ID?

  • The name on your ID and the one written during registration should be matching exactly, excluding spaces prefixes, accents, suffixes, and apostrophes.
  • The ID must be strictly original—not a photocopy
  • It is mandatory to have a recognizable photo of you and a matching signature.
  • The ID must be valid
  • In general, it must be a government certified ID; student college IDs, credit cards, and so on are not acceptable. The exact forms of ID that are acceptable vary in every country.
  • If you do not have a single ID that meets all of the criteria, it is acceptable to use a supplemental ID. However, the name on all types of ID must match the name you used to register for the test. If you can, bring multiple valid identification proofs. That way if there is any discrepancy with your primary ID, you can produce additional identification and still be able to take your test.

It is advised to bring at least two forms of identification when you report to the GRE exam center.  You have to show the ID at different points before starting the GRE exam. Please note that admission to a test center based on a particular document does not ensure that it will be accepted by ETS. So, make sure the names and details are matching. There's another reason you should carry at least two IDs. If there is any form of confusion with your present ID and you do not have an alternative, the test centers will not take responsibility. GRE exam centers do not hold seats if you leave the center for bringing another set of identification.

If the test center do not allow you to give the GRE exam because of an ID verification problem, you will not get a refund of test fees. It is the same if ETS withheld your score because of the identification issue. So give paramount importance to this point.

Necessities to bring to the GRE Exam: Computer-Based Administration

While valid ID is the only thing that you must bring with you to the computer-based GRE, there are other must bring items for a more pleasant and smooth testing experience:

Extra woolens/Sweaters:

Testing centers are usually quite cold due to low centralized AC temperature. So, bring a sweater or light jacket that you can layer on will help you to maintain your own body temperature. You will not be able to concentrate properly on your exam if you are feeling uncomfortable. Any kind of external factors can cause a lapse in concentration.


You cannot carry a water bottle inside the testing room with you. However, you can put it in the locker assigned for you at the test center. Remember to carry water as you will need it during the break. Dehydration makes a person both uncomfortable and less productive. Make sure you are well hydrated before the test.

Healthy Snacks/Energy drinks:

This is another item that you cannot carry into the testing room but is extremely important. You can access the snacks during breaks. So, please do. The GRE exam paper is a long one and you will not be accustomed to the duration. A snack is important because it is essential to keep up your blood sugar so that you can maintain the energy levels. Carry for a snack with complex carbs and some protein—like a peanut butter bar, almonds, fruits, fruit juices, cake, etc. If you just choose something with simple sugars, like a candy bar, your blood sugar will spike immediately and then drop, causing fatigue and drowsiness.

Confirmation E-mail:

Along with your ID, kindly bring a printed copy of your confirmation email sent at the time of registration. This email will serve as your admission ticket.

Pencils and Erasers(paper-based examination):

Bring your own HB pencils and erasers! You can’t rely on the test center having an extra.

Along with these, keep in mind some items you can't bring to the GRE exam center

  • Calculator
  • Scratch paper
  • Jewelry

Make yourself acclimatized to test-giving conditions by trying out mocks at home in a similar environment and under similar constraints. This will make you ready for the BIG DAY!

Related links : Click to know how to memorize vocab words

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