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NMIMS Success Story: Sanjana Varada
April 11 2024

NMIMS Success Story: Sanjana Varada If you are getting demotivated by your mock scores, results, studies then check out the success story of NMIMS Expert. Find out the secret recipe that leads to NMIMS, a dream College for every NMAT giving aspirants. Find the details below:

How did you prepare for NMAT?

For the verbal section of NMAT, I swear by Word Power Made Easy. It contains the easy way of learning the words as it describes the roots of the words. The practice word helps to get immense practice. For LR DI and Quant, I followed the same preparation strategy for CAT.

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I also followed NMAT by GMAC  (Take the NMAT by GMAC™ exam to pursue the career of your dreams!). This book has a lot of practice questions related to synonyms, antonyms, etc. The more you go through these words, the more you will be familiar with them. You can also go through a couple of mock tests on NMAT which will give you an understanding of the level of questions asked. Knowing Percentage equivalents, formulas, squares, cubes of numbers will be a lot of help. As I was facing a problem with the speed while attempting the paper. I practiced mock exams diligently which helped me in improving my speed in attempting the paper. I always followed a single order while attempting my mocks which helped me get acquainted with the actual exam pattern. After each and every mock, I revisited all the questions in order to check where I made mistakes and did all the problems which I could not in the exam.


What was your approach to preparing for the NMIMS CDPI?

The first step in attempting NMIMS CDPI is to prepare the SOP, one for CORE, and one for HR. I aligned my career plans with respect to MBA in Marketing as I wanted to pursue my MBA in Marketing. Every word in the SOP has to be carefully articulated as the interview could be driven on the basis of the SOP. As far as the CD is concerned, It would be a general case study on the current trends or any general topic. I diligently prepared all the current topics like Demonetization, Brexit, etc. Attending a couple of mock GDs in the nearest coaching center should be a great use. This practice helped me getting over the fear of GD and speaking in public. Be well versed in current affairs. For the interview, I learned the different streams in MBA, the basic definitions of Marketing. WHY MBA???WHY Marketing??? This should be sorted as this is one of the basic questions. I also made sure that I knew in and out of my work at TCS. I was asked a couple of questions about my work experience. All work experience people should be knowing about the nitty-gritty of their job Apart from all this, confidence and a cool mind should help.

How was your interview experience - excerpts from that?

The first question in my interview was WHY MBA??WHY Marketing as written in my SOP. A couple of questions were asked about my work experience. Minute details regarding the tasks assigned to me. I was asked if I had taken up any leadership role. Since I mentioned about leading a team, I had to answer about how I handled my client calls and conducted company-specific negotiation in the interest of the organization and the client. The second part of the interview revolved around me being asked to sell a product to the interviewers. They told me that my creative skills would be put to test. I told them creative approaches to changing the design of the bottle to align with the needs of the target audience. The latter part of the interview is mostly about my personal interests and hobbies. We have to make sure that we are not lying at any point in time and should be very well versed in our hobbies and interests. Also Read: Books and Mocks-NMAT CD: The CD was a case study on the health care industry: They gave us a sheet of paper with the case study and gave us 5 minutes to gather our thoughts. I spoke about the pros and cons of the topic given. Everyone gave their points about how we should implement the idea, the amount of budget, and the factors concerning the case. After 10 minutes of discussion, every one of us had to conclude the topic and give our opinion on the same. I hope this NMIMS Succes Story has increased the level of motivation in you.

All the best! Related Articles: NMAT Scores Cut-off NMAT Syllabus CD PI preparation for NMAT

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