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Notebooks for CAT preparation
October 09 2023

How to prepare Notes- Important Points

Well, notes in your exam preparation play the role of weapons of a warrior so make sure you keep them chiseled and sharp. Similarly, during CAT preparation you need to maintain around 4- 5 notebooks dedicated only to Notes. Until and unless you don’t note down what you have studied, you won’t remember any topic or concepts and their nuances. Retaining what you have studied is everything that gets boils down to as you are preparing for a competitive exam for an entire year, if you don’t retain what you have studied then what’s the point of studying, right? You will feel stuck in the same place and not progressing or growing. 

In bird’s eye view, your exams will commence from November through the CAT exam and will end in March- April (next year) with Mah- CET. To be prepared for this entire time, you need to be prepared with these important notebooks that are crucial to making in your preparation journey:

  1. Formula Book- This is mainly important for the preparation of the Quantitative Ability section. There will be no direct formula-based questions in the CAT exam, but in NMAT, SNAP, CMAT, TISSNET, etc. you get to face formula-based questions.
  2. Concept Book- Not every concept will be as easy as Algebra or Logical Reasoning basics that you remember naturally so for topics like Number systems where complicated concepts are present, having a concept book where you can jot down the concept in your own understanding, in brief, comes very handy. Any topic for that matter, anything that you have studied and if that contains a concept in it, for example, Time, Speed, Distance, etc. where you have 20-30 types of questions to practice, you must maintain a concept book for that.
  3. Mocks Book- A notebook dedicated to only mocks and their questions. Yes! You need to make a book for this so that you remember the diversity of questions that comes in mocks for future reference & free yourself from the hassle of searching for that one mock question that intrigued you a few weeks ago. For mocks, further 2 types of small, thin notebooks are recommended: Type1- Silly Mistakes books. Here you will note down your repetitive mistakes. Type2- This will contain all the new types of questions. In the actual exam, you will be confident enough to have tried every diversity of questions that has a possibility to come in any previous year papers of CAT exam.
  4. Grammar & Vocabulary Book- This book will contain your everyday quota of studying grammar lessons, rules, tips, etc. that you will study and your everyday quota of remembering at least 5-10 vocabulary words that will add up to your own vocabulary. To begin with, it is recommended to go through Aeon Essays, English newspapers and a book called Norman Lewis Word Power Made Easy. The target must be to know 1000 words in your vocabulary.

    Hope this helps!!

Anisha Mukhija




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