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Strategy for SNAP
April 16 2024

Strategy for SNAP

What is SNAP?

The Symbiosis National Aptitude Test is a national-level test. As a result, students get admission into Symbiosis Institute of Business Management (Pune). And also its other affiliated institutes. Moreover, the test scores are valid for around 15 institutes that are associated with Symbiosis. Therefore, it makes it a pretty important exam. SNAP 2019 was a computer-based (CBT) exam. In this article let's try to make a strategy for the SNAP exam that can help you ace it.

So, the pattern/difficulty level of SNAP has been more or less uniform throughout the years. Which makes it easier to define a strategy for the same. Also, making a well-defined preparation strategy will ensure that you channel your efforts in the right direction.

SNAP Exam Pattern- Key Changes

In the past years, the SIU has introduced significant changes to the SNAP exam pattern 2023. Key modifications in SNAP 2023 include the following:

  • SNAP exam duration has been reduced from 2 hours to 1 hour. 
  • Candidates are allowed to take the SNAP 2023 exam up to three times a year. 
  • The total number of questions has been reduced from 110 to 60. 
  • The final percentile for the SNAP exam is calculated on a candidate’s best performance out of the attempts made in a year.

Question Distribution SNAP Exam Pattern 

The SNAP exam pattern 2023 includes three distinct sections. The table below demonstrates the distribution of questions and total marks across various sections in the SNAP exam, aligning with the revised exam pattern:

SNAP Exam Sections Number of MCQs Total Marks
General English (VARC) 15 15
Analytical & Logical Reasoning 25 25
Quantitative, Data Interpretation & Data Sufficiency 20 20


SNAP Preparation: Tips that will help you ace it

1. Make a list:

  • Firstly, have a list of every topic, across all the subjects. After that build your strategy around this list. Moreover, make sure that you know the concept/methodology of each and every topic that you have noted down.
  • Because you do not want to put in months of effort so as to eventually find out that you haven’t covered everything.

2. Go easy:

  • Then start your preparation with whatever you find easy. Or whichever topic you already have a good understanding of.
  • Lastly, practice so much so that you can solve these questions in your sleep as it will ensure that you don’t lose marks in these questions in the exams

And when you are done with these topics then you can proceed with the difficult/complex topics to build your proficiency in them.

3. Quantitative, Data Interpretation & Data Sufficiency:

  • Practice Arithmetic problems extensively and gain good speed and accuracy in the same. Moreover, arithmetic topics include Time & Work, Time Speed Distance, Ratio & Proportion, Profit & Loss, etc.
  • After that another topic, to focus on, is Algebra, so make sure that you are through with all the different types and difficult questions in these two topics.
  • Geometry (majorly Mensuration) also appears regularly in this section.
  • Data Interpretation questions will demand approximations and without approximations, you might have to spend a lot of time on calculations, which would be counter-productive.
  • Therefore, sharpen your mental mathematics and approximation techniques. As the difficulty level of the DI, questions is fairly easy

4. Analytical & Logical Reasoning:

  • So, this is the section that carries maximum weight-age in the test. Also the section which is the most scoring, as compared to the others. Moreover, this section contains a mixture of different topics.
  • Further, practice questions on Blood Relations, Series, Coding-Decoding, different types of Arrangement questions, Critical Reasoning, Deduction and analogies, Visual Reasoning, Puzzles, and logical Case-lets.

As mentioned earlier, do not leave any topic, while preparing.

Practice Intensively for this section

5. English Usage:

  • This section is fairly easy so to crack this section, your grammar skills should be up to the mark. So make sure that you are well familiar with the rules and shortcuts in solving grammar questions. Most importantly, scoring good in grammar will increase your scores tremendously.
  • Reading Comprehension questions are manageable and aren’t time-consuming. Also, the passages are usually short and not lengthy.
  • Be thorough about your vocabulary. English questions are pretty easy. But can have extremely close options. Therefore, a good vocabulary is essential.

Solve 4-5 questions on correct/incorrect sentences, phrases, word usage, every day.

6. Mocks & Previous years’ papers:

  • Solve all the mocks and previous years’ papers that you get your hands on. This will give you an idea about how questions are asked in the actual papers. It will also help you get accustomed to the difficulty level of the test.
  • Analyze your strengths and weaknesses after every mock test. Keep a track of your speed and accuracy for every question. This will help you in your preparation for the final day.

Most importantly remember, SNAP requires a good combination of speed and accuracy. It is therefore essential that your preparation focuses on improving both speed and accuracy, simultaneously.

Rahul Singh




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