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Things to look forward at MICA Ahmedabad
April 16 2024


If you’re heading to or planning to get into MICA Ahmedabad or for that matter any B-school. This would be a life changing experience for you because of the following reasons-:

This would probably be your last chance to experience student life.

  1. This experience of Mica would lead you to a transformative experience both personally as well as professionally.
  2. One should not just spend their time thinking about what to do at Mica Ahmedabad instead make sure you make the most of your years at Mica academically as well as personally.  

Of all the things one can experience at Mica, there are some things that a student at Mica cannot miss. Some of the things that are compulsory to know or do at Mica Ahmedabad :

1. A Mican must experience the essence of MICANVAS at the Chota Wall.

Every year MICAns paint the Chhota wall and fill it up with their remembrance that is part of the batch’s year. Whatever they paint, doodle, make cartoons, signatures, etc depict the life of a Mican.

2. Dishes offered by Chhota at Mica is a must try..! 

Chhota Canteen is an essential part of any MICAn’s daily schedule it is the go-to place for all their post-midnight cravings. The dishes are named after the students at Chotta. If you give the recipe of a dish and the dish gets popular it is named after the student who gave the recipe. Some of the examples are delicious Anish parantha or the Uchil burger that are amongst the must-try dishes at Mica Ahmedabad.

3. Lose yourself in the spirit of joyfulness at the CulComm tree of Mica. 

The CulComm tree at Mica is decorated at all the festive occasions that come in a year. The members of Mica Ahmedabad consider this tree not just a center of attraction but also the heart and the spirit of all the festivals celebrated at Mica. 

4. The graffiti on the hostel walls of Mica Ahmedabad is a treat to the eyes of everyone.

The exemplary hostels of MICA have an exclusive tradition. These walls are decorated by graffiti that each batch leaves behind when they evacuate the hostels. Every wall is decorated with ideas and opinions both distinct and alluring.

5. Attending the events in an auditorium of MICA that is cushion-clad The energy in the atmosphere at MICA is best emulated in its auditorium. MICA Ahmedabad's auditorium is exquisitely clad with different color cushions which add life to the lectures, different plays and other hosts of activities that take place at MICA.  

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mica ahmedabad
Rahul Singh




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