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PGDM Core: The Flagship course at Welingkar
April 15 2024

PGDM Core: The Flagship course at Welingkar

What is PGDM Core?

PGDM Core, the 2-year full-time flagship program of Welingkar offers a fine blend of general management and functional specializations offered in Marketing, Finance, Human Resources, and Operations. It aims to nurture the students as a competent future manager with leadership abilities and an innovative mindset with exposure to real-life business scenarios.

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Why choose the PGDM Core specialization at Welingkar?

Welingkar Institute of Management & Research offers a 24-month full-time graduate diploma in management program. The PGDM Core consists of specializations in Marketing, Human Resources, Finance and Operations. Students have the freedom to discover their true potential after practicing rigor and choosing the specialization of their choice.

The CORE PGDM program has the flexibility to integrate new trends while providing the foundations for management education. The program nurtures world-class managers with analytical tools, business philosophies and exposure to unstructured situations in real life.

Welingkar follows Trimester System facilitates students with the flexibility to engage in several projects and live activities that shape their personality. Topics include strategic management, international affairs, business ethics and corporate governance, leadership practices, team training exercises, cross-functional functional functions, advanced tax management, operating system, Business Systems Analysis, Entrepreneurship Management, Functional Specialization Projects, Leadership Practices, Emotional Intelligence and many more have been incorporated into the curriculum to expose students to the functioning And to refine their thinking abilities to innovate ideas and solutions in light of various limitations. The PGDM, therefore, provides the right tools to meet challenges and constantly aims to create and nurture future world leaders.

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How good the course is?

PGDM CORE has the unique AAA learning approach which emphasizes the “Acquisition, Application and Assimilation of knowledge” with a deep focus on the Global Citizen Leadership (GCL) program. The process provides holistic  feedback to candidates to improve their communication and other relevant soft skills such as Leadership qualities, Innovative bent of mind, critical analytical integrative thinking approach, global perspective and an appreciation of individual role in organization and society

Welingkar follows Trimester System facilitates students with the flexibility required to engage in several live projects and activities that mold their personality. Subjects like Strategic Management, International Business, Business Ethics & Corporate Governance, Leadership Practices, Team Building Exercises, Cross-Functional Roles, Advanced Tax Management, Operating System, Business Systems Analysis, Entrepreneurship Management, Functional Specialization Projects, Leadership Practices, Emotional Intelligence and many more have been incorporated into the curriculum to expose students to the inner workings of the corporate world, and to sharpen their thinking skills for innovation of ideas and solutions in the light of various limitations. The PGDM thus provides the right tools to meet challenges and constantly aims at creating and nurturing future world leaders, Leadership Practices, Emotional Intelligence and many more have been incorporated into the curriculum to expose students to the inner workings of the corporate world, and to sharpen their thinking skills for innovation of ideas and solutions in the light of various limitations. The PGDM thus provides the right tools to meet challenges and constantly aims at creating and nurturing future world leaders.

Know more about Welingkar Institute of management

Career opportunities in PGDM Core?

Entrepreneurship: With advanced management skills and a study in finance bases, a person can be a successful entrepreneur after completing your PGDM course. A person should develop and work on a business idea and effectively set up his or her own business.

Business Consulting: Every business, whether a small scale or a large scale, requires a set of people who can manage their end-to-end processes and be very helpful in solving problems. This role is managed by commercial consultants. Depending on the person’s interest, the core topics and the ability, the person can choose to consult management consulting, financial advice or back-end consulting. He can even take on the role of consultant as a freelancer or as a full-time employee.

Marketing or Business Analyst: In the post-graduate management course, a person is prepared for analyzing various business cases. If he thinks that his interest and aptitude lies in this domain then he can opt to become a marketing or business analyst. His role would include studying the different business scenarios, analyzing them for the viability in terms of results and overall cost and implementing different strategies.

Investment Banking: Currently regarded as one of the biggest careers, as an investment banker, a person will be responsible for managing assets and advising clients on acquisitions. However, at the same time, he is expected to get capital from his business. If he is satisfied with the numbers and if he is smooth in conversations, the investment banks could prove to be an ideal area for him. However, keep in mind that as an investment banker, his working hours would be much higher and he may have to compromise the balance of working life.

Top recruiters in Welingkar for PGDM Core:

Axis Bank

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