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Books to crack CAT & IIM A B C
April 13 2024

Books you should refer in order to crack CAT & IIM A B C

If I have to define a unit for Intelligence (like m/s for speed), it’s going to be -the quantity of information processed per minute (or second). Keep in your mind - the more information you process per unit time, the more intelligent you will be. And what better than reading and following the best books and a guide to help crack CAT even for an average student.

First of all, when you think of getting into an IIM - most of you all have a notion of only IITs/NITs - born intelligent or with excellent academics. But let me tell you, it is all about the correct material you study under the right mentor.

Learn how to get a call from IIM

Even if you have barely started to prepare for CAT 2019, these are the steps which would help you ace it

1. Focus just on the basis for the first 3 months.

Verbal Ability :

Verbal preparation is gradual. Hence start with building up your vocabulary. And what better than Word Power Made Easy - Norman Lewis. Also, developing a habit of reading a newspaper especially The Economic Times helps a lot.

Quantitative Aptitude /Logical Reasoning /Data Interpretation :

Realizing over the years now that students whose base isn’t strong about these subjects aren’t really able to match up with the difficulty level of CAT. Hence instead of jumping over to actual CAT level questions and losing your faith in CAT, just practice basic level questions. I have consolidated a blend of easy to moderate questions in CATKing’s Basic Books to help you build concepts.

2. Its time to move to Advance!

Just when you are done with clearing your basic concepts, move to an advanced level for the next 3 months (approx. March to May)

Start solving actual CAT level question paper from the past 10 years. You start getting a gist of how actual CAT paper would be like.

Moreover, start solving Arun Sharma LOD1 for Quants, LR, and DI.

For Verbal, Pearson’s guide or Barron’s pocket guide works well. Start solving 1 RCs every day, eventually increasing up to 2 and 5 RCs per day.

3. Intensive level- Hard Core Preparation!

Now when the exams are nearing ( June onwards) start gearing up for hardcore mocks and tricks, tips, strategies to solve every type of question.

Here you start with Arun Sharma LOD2 and then LOD3 for Quants/ DI.

For Verbal, practicing RCs and CR from Official GRE Guide and Official GMAT Guide is mandatory.

Shakuntala Devi works well for Logical Reasoning.

CATKing’s Intensive books are a must solve at this stage. They prepare you for actual CAT level questions for all types of drilling you for the worst.

In all, CAT prep is incremental. Make sure you keep working on your weaknesses and play on your strengths.

After all, it is a “Common” Admission Test, just be under the right guidance.

Attend Free CAT Workshop

All the best!

Anisha Mukhija




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