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Do’s and Don’ts on CAT Exam Day
May 06 2024

Feeling unsure just a few days before CAT 2022 is normal, especially among participants who are taking the exam for the sake of taking it. The anxiety level should rise in the psyche.


The CAT (Common Admission Test) exam is a crucial milestone for aspiring MBA candidates, serving as a gateway to prestigious business schools in India. As the exam day approaches, it's essential to be well-prepared not only in terms of academic readiness but also in terms of mental and physical well-being. To help you navigate the CAT exam day with confidence, here are some vital do's and don'ts to keep in mind:


  1. Arrive Early: Plan your commute to the exam center in advance and aim to arrive at least 30 minutes before the reporting time. This allows you to settle in, complete the registration process smoothly, and avoid any last-minute rush or stress.

  2. Carry Essential Documents: Ensure you have your CAT admit card and a valid photo ID (such as Aadhar card, passport, or driver's license) with you. Double-check these documents the night before to avoid any last-minute panic.

  3. Stay Calm and Focused: Maintain a positive mindset and stay focused on the task at hand. Take deep breaths and remind yourself of your preparation efforts. Confidence plays a crucial role in exam performance, so trust in your abilities and approach the questions with a clear mind.

  4. Read Instructions Carefully: Pay close attention to the exam instructions provided by the invigilators. Understand the marking scheme, sectional timings, and any specific guidelines for navigating the computer-based test interface.

  5. Manage Time Effectively: Allocate time to each section based on its weightage and difficulty level. Aim to answer all questions within the stipulated time frame while ensuring accuracy. Don't get stuck on difficult questions; prioritize the ones you can answer quickly and accurately.

  6. Utilize Mock Tests: Draw upon your experience from practicing mock tests and simulations. Familiarize yourself with the exam format, question types, and pacing strategies to optimize your performance on the actual exam day.

  7. Maintain Hydration and Nutrition: Carry a water bottle and light snacks to stay hydrated and energized during the exam. Avoid heavy meals or caffeinated drinks that might lead to discomfort or jitteriness.

  8. Review Responses: Before submitting each section, take a moment to review your answers for accuracy and completeness. Look out for any unanswered or incorrectly marked questions and make necessary corrections.


  1. Don't Panic: In the face of challenging questions or time pressure, avoid succumbing to panic. Stay composed and tackle each question methodically. Remember, a calm and focused approach yields better results than frantic attempts.

  2. Don't Overthink: Trust your instincts and avoid second-guessing yourself excessively. Overthinking can lead to indecision and wastage of precious time. If unsure about a particular question, make an educated guess and move on.

  3. Don't Get Distracted: Minimize distractions by maintaining your focus on the exam screen. Avoid engaging in unnecessary conversations or comparing your progress with other test-takers. Stay in your zone and concentrate on maximizing your performance.

  4. Don't Violate Exam Rules: Adhere to the exam guidelines and ethical standards at all times. Refrain from any form of cheating, plagiarism, or misconduct that could jeopardize your candidature and reputation.

  5. Don't Forget to Back Up: In the case of technical glitches or unforeseen circumstances, remember to save your progress periodically. Familiarize yourself with the exam interface's features for marking questions for review and navigating between sections.

  6. Don't Rush Through: While time management is crucial, avoid rushing through questions at the expense of accuracy. Maintain a steady pace and prioritize quality over quantity in your responses.

  7. Don't Neglect Breaks: Utilize the designated breaks between sections to rest, stretch, and refresh your mind. Use this time to recharge and mentally prepare for the upcoming sections.

  8. Don't Dwell on Past Sections: Once you've completed a section, resist the temptation to dwell on past performance or worry about future sections. Focus on the present task and approach each section with renewed vigor.

By adhering to these essential do's and don'ts, you can navigate the CAT exam day with confidence and composure. Remember to trust in your preparation, stay focused, and maintain a positive attitude throughout the exam. With diligence and determination, success is within your reach. Good luck!


This is where the problem occurs, and the candidate will generally lose marks. It is vital that candidates remain silent during this critical period and are aware of what can and cannot be done. The set of instructions includes when to contact, what to convey, what to avoid, how to identify your CAT exam focus, your sitting location, and what your trying method should be on November 24 to pass the CAT exam. It is critical that you understand when to arrive at the CAT exam center and what you should expect. And How to find your seat at the CAT testing center and what methods to use throughout the CAT test All of your hard work and preparation for CAT may be for naught if you do not have a clear grasp of your CAT Exam day. Your testing room approach is important, and you should be aware of how your CAT exam will begin.

Also read: How to prepare for CAT Exam in 100 days

Dos and Don'ts on Exam Day

First, you can also go through the detailed article on how to fill out the application form for CAT for those who haven't filled it out yet.

Major List of Do’s for Exam Day

Carry your admit card

All applicants must handle the hard copy of the CAT 2022 admit card. Applicants who do not have a paper copy of their admit card will not be allowed to attend the exam center at any cost. The CAT admit card is a required document. Test takers must verify that their signature and photo on the Admit card are legible. Candidates are reminded to double-check the following information on their admit cards.

  • Candidate's surname
  • Disability Status
  • City of Examinations
  • Number of Registration
  • Number of References
  • CAT Exam Schedule and Session

Maintain Valid Photo ID Proof

Along with the CAT, admit card, the candidate must have at least one photo ID as a significant Do's of CAT 2022. The candidate must keep in mind that the photo and signature on the ID confirmation must be visible and not smudged or damaged in any way. Aspirants who have a pacemaker, implants (metal), or other medical devices will be asked to present a medical certificate. On exam day, candidates may utilize any of the documents listed below as picture identity verification and character confirmation.

  • Passport
  • Voter Identification Card
  • The Aadhar Card
  • PAN Number
  • Driving Permit
  • Employer Identification Card
  • ID Card for College

Document Verification and Security Check

Before being allowed inside the test-focus/test lab, you need to go through a thorough security check and search. As a result, avoid wearing bulky coats and coordinate in the security check.

Document Confirmation

After entering the testing facility, candidates should have their documents verified. This is an important procedure since only after the documents have been verified will candidates be allowed to continue to their respective exam labs to take the test.

Be punctual

Previous records show that competitors must respond to the test center one and a half hours before the test. Time management is essential in CAT, whether it is for announcing or finishing questions correctly. The candidate's last entry should be 15 minutes before the start of the examination.

 Time Management Tips For CAT

Take enough rest before the exam.

Exhausting your energy in exams or practice before the CAT  test is not recommended. Rest well and keep your mind sharp.


Major List of Don’ts for Exam Day

Try not to sign the admit card before you arrive.

Candidates who do not read the instructions may make the mistake of signing the admit cards in advance. It should be noted that contestants must sign on the CAT 2022 admission card in the presence of the invigilator only. Any competitor's admit card that is marked prior to the segment is deemed invalid. Furthermore, contestants must guarantee that their signature matches the printed signature, such as the one they transferred at the time of enrolment.

Various Attempts Are Not Permitted

Candidates may only attempt/show up for the CAT 2022 examination once, for example, in either the morning or evening session. Candidates who are found attempting/showing up for the CAT test at different times or in both slots will have their candidature dropped.

Make an effort not to shred pages from the Writing Pad.

All competitors in the test lab will be given writing pads and pens by test invigilators. Regardless, you must return the writing pad with all of the pages undamaged. Outside of the test lab, competitors are not permitted to take any pages.

No Unfair Practices

In CAT 2022, no applicant should utilize unethical methods to pass the exam and achieve good scores. IIMs expressly ban carrying short notes, writing or sketching on hands with a pen/henna, or any other similar methods. Any competitor found to be culpable will not be allowed to continue with the exam, and their candidature will be revoked immediately.

Try not to worry about a strategy or a plan:

It is critical to plan ahead of time before entering the CAT testing room. Don't rely on your companion's approach because everyone has different abilities. Based on your preparations, create something unique for yourself.

When you need to success try to be more confident and use your day more useful”  

Best resources to crack CAT in 100 days! Daily mocks!

ENROL NOW! For CAT courses For Non-cat courses 
Anisha Mukhija




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