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FMS/ IIM Shillong Extempore Topics
May 14 2024

FMS/ IIM Shillong Extempore Topics

The extempore round at FMS/ IIM Shillong is designed to assess your thinking on your feet and communication skills. Topics can range from current affairs to abstract themes, and may even touch on your background.

CAT online courses and mocks

  • Lobbying should be Legalized.
  • Global village
  • A bird in hand is better than a 2-inch bush.
  • Are Indian villages a strength or a weakness?
  • Chatbots irritate humans.
  • Business Leader, you aspire to be like.
  • New Education Policy 202.
  • Online Gaming- Advantages & Disadvantages.
  • Should India Ban Cryptocurrency?

Current Affairs:

  • Impact of recent events (e.g., technological advancements, policy changes) on business or society.
  • Business implications of ongoing global issues (e.g., climate change, political instability).
  • Ethical dilemmas in the business world (e.g., data privacy, artificial intelligence).

Business and Management:

  • The future of leadership in a changing world.
  • The rise of the gig economy and its impact on traditional employment.
  • The importance of sustainability in business practices.
  • The role of technology in transforming industries.

Abstract and General Themes:

  • The importance of work-life balance.
  • Innovation vs. tradition: Striking the right balance.
  • The ethics of artificial intelligence.
  • The concept of leadership.
  • The power of storytelling in business.

Check Out: GDWATPI: How to Crack Extempore for IIMs | Symbiosis | Top B-Schools

More Topic: 

  • Make in India vs Make for India
  • Business Lobbying being legal
  • Digital marketing since the pandemic
  • Car sales restriction to prevent further traffic
  • Shortage of semiconductor chips
  • Data theft by companies
  • Sustainability or livelihood
  • Is MSP a necessary evil.
  • Social media is making us unsocial
  • Privatization of the farming sector
  • Should homework be banned in educational institutions in India?
  • Might have conquered the right.
  • TV commercials set a bad image for cricketers
  • Ecology or Economy
  • Engineers should not be allowed to do an MBA
  • Low Cost plant leads to low mobile infrastructure
  • Defence or education where should we spend more
  • Is cricket wiping off other sports
  • Building new roads vs maintaining old ones
  • E commerce discounts are harmful
  • The rich are a punching bag for the poor
  • Indian judiciary - contempt of court is feudalistic
  • World is moving away from globalisation
  • Mythology and management
  • Do we need PSUs?
  • "Profit" is a dirty word in the Indian dictionary.
  • Should age influence punishment for a crime?
  • Forest Preservation vs tribal livelihood
  • Religion is a necessary evil
  • Despite having individual values should there be a universal value system as well?
  • Is bullet train really needed in India.? [Also bullet train vs education]
  • Should e-commerce be banned to save neighborhood Kirannas
  • Does rewarding overachievers demotivate the people around them
  • Audiobooks provide an illusion of reading
  • Atmanirbharta in a Globalized World is an oxymoron
  • Self-read books are good reads
  • Should the salary of CM and PM be the same as corporate CEOs
  • Should uniforms be compulsory in schools and colleges
  • GST is anti-poor
  • Work life balance is a myth
  • Should student politics be encouraged in engineering colleges
  • celebrity endorsement and consumer decision-making
  • Diversity is overhyped incorporates and B-schools 

Also Read: CAT preparation Get mentored by experts How to increase accuracy in mocks  

Anisha Mukhija

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