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SCMHRD GE-PI Experiences
May 20 2024

Note: This page will be updated regularly as and when we receive SCMHRD GE-PI Experiences directly from students and trusted sources Click here to start your CATKing GDPI Courses with SP Jain, NMIMS Alumni [vc_btn title="IIM WAT PI Course" style="modern" color="primary" link="url:https%3A%2F%2Fwww.courses.catking.in%2Fiim-wat-pi-courses%2F"]

SCMHRD GE-PI Experience 9

Commerce graduate 20 months workex 2 male panelists (1 was in 40s and other in 50s)  As soon I joined ask me 2 things 1. An experience which left a deep impact on me 2. An experience which I like to forget Told to give something different from what's already mentioned in my profile form Ask where I am from Gave a situation where I was the head of a municipal division in Ghaziabad ( I am from ghaziabad). I have the resources to fix the potholes. Tell me how you would reach out to people and solve this issue. Asked what specialisation and why 2nd Panelist Asked what is finance Why not pursue some stock markets course from NSE ( I said earlier I want to study stock market) Difference between Mutual funds, Banks and Insurance funds Tell me 5 good Mutual funds Will you advice your friends to invest in Adani right now Extempore words - Volleyball and Toxic Then changed Toxic to Relish Overall panelists were supportive. 1st panelists was grilling a little but second was pretty chill.

SCMHRD GE-PI Experience 1

GE - Can violence and foul language be justified on OTT platforms Group was good. Healthy discussion. No fish market PI It was all about me. 1) Tell me about yourself 2) Why MBA? 3) Competition I went for 4) your role in the competition, your learnings from it 5) What you did during the lockdown, what did you learn? 6) Challenging situations faced 7) Learnings from that 8) What did covid teach you? 9) Are you implementing that in your life? 10) Any setbacks during covid? They were very friendly. All the best everyone. CATKing GDPI Courses with SP Jain, NMIMS Alumni

SCMHRD GE-PI Experience 2

GE topic: Can India become a superpower by 2030 post covid? 6 people.. Little bit fish market but overall good.. 20 min.. Individual entry first for 1 min each.. Then GD for 12 mins..and then conclusion everyone for 30 sec each. Interview: 1st one for the panel I was allotted.. 10 mins. 1. Tell me about yourself. Which branch? 2. 2nd law of Thermodynamics.. didn't remember.. 3. 3rd law Newton.. 4. Why left the job? 5. Which stream interested and why? 6. Which company you want to join and which position you see yourself in the couple of years? Overall very friendly chat. Must Read: KJ Somaiya GD-PI Experiences 

SCMHRD GE-PI Experience 3

G.E.= India envisions to become a global superpower by 2030 P.I. 1) Introduction 2) What is pi and what is the significance of it? 3) Real life use of calculus 4) What inspired you to take maths? 5) Conflict you faced while working for your club and how did you convinced your senior? 6) You have done many management courses, so why do you want to do MBA? 7) You mentioned you want to work in a MNC, why would you not work in an Indian company? 8) Suppose a company is offering you huge ctc, but the work culture is not that good. What would you do? 9) Do you have any questions for us? 

SCMHRD GE-PI Experience 4

GE Topic: There have been technology interventions in every sector are automation and Ai going to increase or decrease employment opportunities. PI questions 1) Introduce your self apart from application form 2) Why MBA? 3) Have you read newspaper today headlines? Don't you think they are waste of time? 4) You have been part of many committees you seem like a leader from your profile. What according to you is ideal team? 5) Qualities of Leader 6) Difference between manager and leader 7) IT main coding karne ke baad MBA q karna hai 8) Achievements recent 

SCMHRD GE-PI Experience 5

GE: Is online education new norm? 1.2 minutes given to everyone for speaking on it, then 12+2 minutes for GD. One guy was not able to speak, so coordinator asked the person who was speaking to let the other guy speak( never experienced coordinator doing this) PI: Holy hell, one of the panelist was same as was in SCMHRD MBA core. I was worried that he might recognise me from two days before. 1. Tell me about yourself 2. What skills you have gained? 3. What is structured vs unstructured data? 4. What is SaaS? 5. A situational question where I was asked, suppose you are head at call center receiving 100's call per day. How would you manage that data and create a solution around it using ML/AI? 6. Types of Data 7. What is Data Mining? 8. what is Cloud Computing? 9. Real world example of AI 10. What makes you happy? There were 2-4 more questions, overall majorly technical interview for me, could not answer 2 or 3 questions but rest went fine for me. 

SCMHRD GE-PI Experience 6

GE : A picture of water pollution with 4 tools to solve it. Had to select 2 and arrive at a common conclusion. Interview . 2 panelists 1M 1F Q: Tell me about yourself and how was your engineering time ? Q: Favorite subject? Q: Is it related to job ? If yes how? Q: Situations where you over analyzed your self and outcome? Q: Challenges that you took up and outcome? Q: Tell us what NCC has taught you ? Q: Examples of those qualities? Q: Leadership skills you displayed? Challenges? How did you overcome? Q: What will you change in NCC if given a chance ? Q: What do you know about Symbiosis? Q: How many cities did you live in ? Q: How comfortable are you with people of other states ? Asked everything based on info filled in form i.e SOP Extempore : I'll give you 2 words think for 30 sec and speak for 1 min, Education and Business Interrupted me and said " I'll replace Education with Value, you must continue from the same line." 

SCMHRD GE-PI Experience 7

31st Jan afternoon slot

GE A picture was shown depicting domestic violence and 4 solutions were given, the group had to conclude choosing 2 out of them PI Q: Tell us something that's not on your resume Q: When bikes are sold why companies state the average and not the median? Q: Why have you applied to SIBM SCMHRD SIDTM? Are you confused? Q: Which is the best-planned city in India according to you? Q: How will you solve traffic issues in your city during peak time by using tech? Q: What will you do if you are not selected this year for any good b-school? Extempore Q: Create a story around these two words Dance and Beauty 30 seconds for thinking 30 seconds for talking After completion asked to speak on nature and dance with no time given for thinking. Can bad operations still lead to good sales or only good operations will result in good sales.

SCMHRD GE-PI Experience 8

2 panelist (both male)

Panelist 1 1. How was your MBA preparation and what's your learning? 2. Do you think quants is necessary for an MBA? ( I talked about analysing data and statistics ) 3. Any example where data is used? Panelist 2: 4. Which algorithm did I use for machine learning in a project? 5. Difference between sensor and transducer 6. Case scenario: You have been placed in 2 companies- one in an old traditional company like HUL your hometown(mumbai) and other in a start-up near your college location (Vellore). Which one would you choose? 7. Had an abroad travel to Middle East.. So they asked difficulties faced during Ramzan times and what did you learn? Extempore using imagination and manufacture... Then changed imagination to chat

Read more: Experiences at SCMHRD Access our CET 2021 Course HERE Also Read: Welingkar GD-PI Experiences Must Read: KJ Somaiya GD-PI Experiences

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