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Reading Comprehension for CAT
May 03 2024

Reading comprehension has a high weightage in CAT, with a total of 24/34 questions (CAT20 had 18/26). Reading regularly is the key to improving your RC.

How can we Improve Verbal Ability?

Reading comprehension (RC) questions hold more than half of the verbal ability part. In the previous year, Out of 34 questions, 24 were RC (i.e. 70 percent). By this data, we can conclude that RCs in the CAT can make or break your chances of achieving a high score. As a result, mastering the RC part is very important.

Read Newspaper

Reading speed improves drastically when you read newspapers daily. Newspapers provide a wide range of information from diverse sources, including local, national, international, and scientific news, and this type of exposure is quite useful to RCs. Students usually stick to one genre, yet the passages that appear in tests are indeed from universal issues that are similar to what we read in newspapers. As a result, reading newspapers is a good way to acquire the habit of reading and interpreting RCs.


Reading Articles and editorials can help you enhance your vocabulary significantly. If you come across a new term or phrase while reading the newspaper, try to infer its meaning based on the context provided in the story. After you’ve made a guess, double-check it by searching it on Google. Try to learn 5 new words daily this will upgrade your vocab.

With all these tips, every student needs to develop the habit of reading newspapers. It will assist you not only with your RCs but also with your vocabulary, grammar, WAT, and GD-PI. It’s important to remember that it only takes 21 days to create a habit. So, Start now, and reading newspapers will become a habit in just 21 days, and you won’t have to worry about GK again.

So all the best with your preparation!

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Anisha Mukhija




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