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Top 5 Reasons for giving NMAT exams by GMAC’s.
September 04 2024

A good career does not usually come by accident. To create one and get the rewards that come with it, you must be intelligent and strategic in identifying what you want from your job and how to attain it. The NMAT exams by GMAC's is the most popular MBA tests in the country and overseas. Through the NMAT test, 40+ business schools in India and overseas prepare students to move up the corporate ladder with remarkable entrepreneurial zeal. In this article, we will read the reasons for giving NMAT exams.

These global learning centres provide an environment of openness, involvement, and equality in order to encourage a culture of learning and continuous growth. A successful career is not usually the result of luck. To create one and get the rewards that come with it, you must be thoughtful and strategic in determining what you want from your profession and how to accomplish it.

Also read: All The Advice You Need To Appear In The NMAT Exams.

Reasons for giving NMAT exams by GMAC’s

Every year, about 75,000 people apply for the NMAT test, which is a computer-adaptive, national-level MBA admission exam. Have you ever wondered why so many people take this specific exam? Why do candidates choose NMAT over other MBA admission tests such as CAT, XAT, IIFT, and SNAP? Why should you consider applying for it?

So, keep reading to find out how the NMAT test might help you go ahead and why you should apply!

1. The NMAT exam is recognised by the majority of prestigious business institutions across the country and overseas.

More than 40 Indian colleges recognise the NMAT test. NMAT results are accepted by Indian institutions such as NMIMS, ISB, SPJIMR, and IILM University. Furthermore, you can apply to top business management schools in South Africa, such as Nelson Mandela University Business School, Gordon Institute of Business Science, and Wits Business School, as well as top schools in Nigeria, such as Covenant University, Lagos Business School, or Lead City University. The NMAT test was also approved by the Asian Institute of Management, St. Paul University Manila, and Arellano University in the Philippines.

2. The NMAT exam has a large examination window and allows for multiple attempts.

Another significant characteristic of the NMAT test is that it may be taken three times each year. The testing period lasts for 75 days. You can take the NMAT a maximum of three times. This provides you with the opportunity and confidence to do your best on more than one occasion. 

Please keep in mind that each applicant is only permitted three attempts throughout a year (1st July 2021–30th June 2022). There must be a minimum of 15 days between tries. You can arrange a retake only after you have completed the prior attempt.

The number of attempts you will be entitled to make is dependent on when you attend the first test. It is listed below, subject to seat availability. Since seats are assigned on a first come, first served basis, you should plan your first try as soon as possible. You may use all three tries if you want to enhance your score.

3. The NMAT is an exam that is beneficial to candidates.

The NMAT exam is a simple examination that may be proctored at home or at one of 73 test centres located in 68 locations. It supports self-scheduling, allowing you to choose your test appointment time, day, and place based on the availability of seats at each test centre.

With 36 questions in each area, the three exam sections. Have Sections such as language skills, quantitative skills, and logical reasoning are given equal importance. Furthermore, because each component is separately timed, you may choose the sequence in which you want to take the exam. The official scorecard may be retrieved within 48 hours of previewing the score.

4. You may keep your choices open with the NMAT exams by GMAC’s.

Because the score sharing charge for up to five institutions is included in the registration price, you can transmit your scores to up to five programmes at no cost. You may also share your scores with more than five institutions for a fee. Check out CATKing’s Youtube channel.

5. The NMAT is an exclusive online test.

Finally, one of the most compelling reasons to pick NMAT over any other MBA admission test is that the NMAT exam is offered online, allowing you to take the exam from the comfort of your own home. In India, several MBA admission examinations do not include this choice. Because it is an online exam, you may take the two-hour computer-based examination. Examination from the comfort of your own home or any other location, at any time throughout the testing window.

Now is the time to enrol in one of our courses!

For CAT programmes,

For Non-Cat programmes.

Anisha Mukhija




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