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Unveiling The CAT Exam Toughness
May 16 2024

We all want to know if the CAT Exam is difficult to pass. "Yes," is the obvious answer. The CAT exam is a computer-based exam that stands for a common admission test, which was designed for admission to graduate management programs. Cat is, unsurprisingly, the most difficult exam to crack. So, to answer your question, yes, the Cat exam is difficult.


Why Does the CAT Exam Appear Difficult to Pass?

The CAT exam is necessary for admission to India's top business schools (IIMs). Furthermore, because to its material, qualifications, and exam-style, the Cat exam is getting increasingly difficult to pass. However, because the CAT exam is organized on a nationwide level, the exam format is quite difficult. In general, there are a total of one hundred questions, which have been divided into three categories.

  • Quantitative Ability (QA)
  • Capability to communicate verbally and read with comprehension (VA & RC)
  • Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation (DI & LR)

Also read: CAT Syllabus, exam pattern, and important dates.

How Does the CAT Exam's Question Format Make it Difficult?

  • These 100 questions are divided as follows: 34 questions for VA and RC, 34 questions for QA, and 32 questions for LRDI.
  • The test is worth a total of 300 points, with three points awarded for each correct answer.
  • There is also a point deduction for each wrong response (-1 for each incorrect answer).
  • This test will last three hours in total, with each component receiving its assigned time.
  • Negative marking is only applied to multiple-choice questions, not descriptive ones (TITA questions).

How Does the Cat Exam's Limited Time Duration Make It Difficult to Pass?

Simply because some pupils take the time limit far too seriously. They remark that it was a difficult test for them. It is critical to understand that because the CAT exam is organized in this manner, no one ever attempts all of the questions. Furthermore, prioritize those that require less time and are easier to judge. Now that we know we shouldn't try to answer all of the questions, we should focus on our skills. Students frequently focus on their areas for growth; however, this is not a fruitful technique, particularly in the context of competitive tests such as the CAT.

 Also read: Last Minute Preparation Strategy for CAT 

Easy Ways to Pass the Upcoming CAT Exam

The Number of Questions

The Critical Thinking Assessment (CAT) is a difficult test since it contains difficult questions. Furthermore, in most circumstances, it necessitates mental effort. The questions demand that applicants have a thorough understanding of the basics. Furthermore, they must understand when and where to apply the various components of their knowledge. The CAT is usually taken after a person has graduated from college. Furthermore, they believe that the CAT's indirect or twisted questions are relatively difficult.

Time is a constraint

Another factor that contributes to the CAT's difficulty is that candidates have 180 minutes to answer 100 questions. This means that the aspirants only get around an hour for each portion to read, collect data, and answer the challenges. As a result, the candidates find themselves in a tough situation, which causes them concern. In light of this, passing the CAT test and determining the correct answer of the is cat exam tough needs not only a comprehension of the content offered, but also the ability to manage internal conflicts, keep composure, and have faith in one's talents throughout the process.


The CAT is an unusual examination. The format of the test is difficult to define because there are not just sectional differences in the structure. However, the types of questions that may be asked, as well as the level of difficulty, may vary from year to year. Quantitative Aptitude could be a difficult topic one year and a breeze the next. Every question may be straightforward next year. Because of its unpredictability, candidates for the CAT are unable to devise a strategy and must instead be prepared for everything and everything.


In addition to the time constraints and the difficulty of the questions. They understand that how well they perform on the CAT will have a direct impact on their future. The presence of competitors simply increases the level of pressure. As a result, the CAT is a difficult exam to take. There are times when students wonder, "Is the cat test difficult?" The stress that comes with taking such a crucial test can only be managed by those who are well-prepared to deal with whatever comes their way, who have the appropriate skill set, and who have perfect control over both their thoughts and their emotions.

Rate of Attempts

There is a considerable likelihood that a significant proportion of students will be anxious because they will be unable to attempt a significant number of questions in the allocated amount of time because the questions are difficult. The examiners are interested in more than just your aptitude level. They're also looking at how well you categorize questions and choose which ones to go through in order to focus on the easy ones. There will always be questions that are beyond your knowledge. Furthermore, that would absorb all of your available time.

Identify these and avoid them! Furthermore, if there is a section of the test that you are struggling with, take the first two minutes to rapidly look through all of the questions, select the questions that are the simplest, and then answer those questions. You will boost your chances of obtaining further opportunities by doing so.

If you truly want to reach the 99th percentile, you will need to work on increasing your score on more difficult challenges. Separate the problems that cannot be solved from those that can. Furthermore, attempt to solve as many of the solvable issues as possible. Furthermore, as a result of this, you need to proceed with extreme caution in order to avoid losing even more points as a result of increasing the number of tries you make. The entire negative marking game.

To obtain a complete tailored CAT preparation experience.
you can check  CATKing’s Youtube channel.
ENROL NOW! For CAT courses For Non-cat courses 
Anisha Mukhija




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