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5 Courses To Do Before Your MBA
April 22 2024

Just cracking MBA entrance exam like CAT, XAT is just the beginning of the rat race, the pressure you feel during your preparation phase is just a fraction of what an MBA student of top-notch college faces throughout two years. But it’s an absolutely great platform to learn from peers and industry experts. In top bracket MBA College you will face intense peer to peer competition where you need to prove yourself a stronger candidate. Profiles matter a lot at every point in time during your MBA.

A few cool courses which you can do before your MBA getting started:

Big Data: For companies big and small, knowing how to manage data is essential for getting an edge over the competition. That’s why Big Data is emerging as one of the fastest-growing fields in the tech industry. Hence, employers are looking for experts who know their way around data clusters. Even the smallest businesses generate data these days.  If the business has a website, a social media presence, accepts credit cards, etc., even a one-person shop has data it can collect on its customers, its user experience, web traffic, and more. This means companies of all sizes need a strategy for big data and plan of how to collect, use, and protect it. This also means that savvy businesses will start to offer data services to even very small companies. It also means that businesses that never thought big data would be “for them” might be crawling to catch up. So if you already know how to play with data, you already earn an extra edge over others  

 Adwords: The marketing world has changed in recent years and AdWords is the platforms creating this change. It’s one of the most effective methods of paid online advertising available. This advertising system is used by thousands of small, medium and large organizations. All of these organizations have one thing in common. They want to tap into the huge numbers of people who search for information, products, and services online. When used properly, Google AdWords has the potential to send large numbers of people to you who want exactly what you have to offer. Google dominates mobile search advertising. It takes 97% of mobile search spend and Google display campaigns reach 80% of global internet users. These are the main reasons you should be learning Google AdWords.   

Facebook Marketing: Facebook continues to be one of the emerging social media sites, as the number one spot where friends connect and share online. More than just a meeting place, Facebook has grown into a venue for businesses to market themselves through interaction with customers and self-promotion. A Facebook page is a great free marketing tool for businesses. These pages let businesses identify themselves – not just through listing product offerings and services, but also by sharing links, images, and posts on a customizable page to give a better sense of a business’s personality and character. Since Facebook is way easier than google, many SME and startups are coming on facebook business platform. Understanding this gigantic digital platform will definitely create a buzz on your CV.

  Google analytics: Most folks who choose Google Analytics do so because

  • It is really powerful (“enterprise-class”) software.  
  • The Standard version is free.
  • Cloud infrastructure allows ripping through large datasets
  • Clean User Interface.
  • Use data to make informed business decisions.

That last point is the most important one.  Let’s not be naive; data on its own is meaningless. But when used properly, data will assist you to see what’s working well, what’s not working. Google Analytics not only lets you measure sales, but also gives you deep insights into how visitors use your site, how they arrived on your site, and how you can keep them tracking down.  

Negotiation skills: The most important thing which you would be doing in your MBA and after MBA is bargaining and negotiation. Communication and your convincing power can help you stand out of the crowd. The success and failure of projects often hinge on the project manager themselves, and their ability to negotiate plays a direct role in the overall outcome. As such, it’s difficult to overstate the importance of negotiation tactics in project management. Project managers are constantly at odds with other forces while trying to obtain sufficient budgets, talented workers and dealing with the countless unforeseen setbacks that can arise. The difference between a project manager who can negotiate and one that can’t is that the one that can’t will probably be out of a job before too long.  

 Click to know about MBA courses.      

Rahul Singh




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