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CAT Verbal Ability Strategy by Topper| How to improve VARC for CAT Exam?| Ft. Ankita | IIM Ahmedabad
June 15 2024

The Common Admission Test (CAT) is a gateway to the prestigious Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs) and other top business schools in India. One of the critical sections of the CAT is Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC). Excelling in VARC requires a strategic approach, and who better to guide us than Ankita, a top scorer from IIM Ahmedabad. In this article, Ankita shares her tried-and-tested strategies to help aspirants boost their VARC scores.

Understanding the VARC Section

The VARC section of CAT evaluates your proficiency in English through questions on reading comprehension, verbal ability, and critical reasoning. It typically comprises passages followed by questions, sentence rearrangement, summary writing, and questions on grammar and vocabulary. Here's how Ankita approached each component:

1. Reading Comprehension (RC)

Ankita’s Strategy:

  • Daily Reading Practice: Ankita emphasizes reading diverse materials daily. This includes newspapers, magazines, novels, and academic journals. It helps in building a strong vocabulary and improving comprehension skills.
  • Active Reading: Instead of passively reading through texts, Ankita practiced active reading by summarizing paragraphs, noting down key points, and questioning the content critically.
  • Timed Practice: Time management is crucial. Ankita practiced RCs with a timer to simulate the exam environment and improve her speed and accuracy.


2. Verbal Ability (VA)

Ankita’s Strategy:

  • Parajumbles: For sentence rearrangement questions, Ankita focused on understanding the logical flow of ideas. She practiced regularly and used techniques like identifying introductory and concluding sentences, and looking for connectors.
  • Summary Writing: Ankita practiced writing summaries of various articles. She focused on capturing the essence of the passage in a concise manner without losing key information.
  • Vocabulary Building: Ankita used flashcards and vocabulary apps to learn new words daily. She also kept a vocabulary journal to track her progress and revisited it regularly.

3. Critical Reasoning (CR)

Ankita’s Strategy:

  • Understanding Arguments: Ankita worked on identifying the structure of arguments, premises, and conclusions. This helped her in tackling assumption, inference, and strengthen/weaken questions.
  • Practice with Variety: She practiced CR questions from different sources to get exposed to a variety of question types and difficulty levels.

Additional Tips from Ankita

  1. Regular Mock Tests: Ankita took regular mock tests to assess her preparation level. She analyzed her performance in each test to identify her strengths and weaknesses.
  2. Sectional Tests: Besides full-length mocks, she also took sectional tests focused solely on VARC. This helped her fine-tune her strategy for this specific section.
  3. Peer Discussions: Engaging in discussions with peers helped Ankita gain new perspectives and insights. It also provided an opportunity to explain concepts to others, reinforcing her own understanding.
  4. Feedback and Mentorship: Ankita sought feedback from mentors and teachers. Constructive criticism helped her refine her approach and overcome her weak areas.

The Importance of Consistency and Perseverance

Ankita’s journey to acing the VARC section wasn’t without challenges. She emphasizes the importance of consistency and perseverance. Regular practice, continuous learning, and staying motivated are key to mastering the VARC section.


The VARC section of the CAT exam can be a daunting challenge, but with the right strategy and dedicated practice, it is possible to excel. Ankita’s approach, which includes daily reading, active engagement with texts, strategic practice of verbal ability questions, and thorough preparation for critical reasoning, provides a comprehensive roadmap for aspirants. By incorporating these strategies into your preparation, you too can improve your VARC score and move closer to your dream of joining an elite business school like IIM Ahmedabad.

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