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How to justify BTech backlogs while applying for MBA in the US
March 28 2024

study in abroad  

Are backlogs holding you back from applying to your dream college? Are they significantly contributing to your underconfidence and deterring you from showing up in your interview? Are your Study In Abroad plans getting wrenched because of them? Fret not, Your low grades or backlogs should not ruin your study abroad plans. We at CatKing Educare aim to provide you with the best resources, services and advice to help you climb the ladder of success and make your Study In Abroad dreams manifest into reality in no time. We have you covered, from sea to sea!   You see, whether to use the backlogs as your strength or weakness depends on you! You must know how to tweak it to your advantage. Primarily you will have to justify your low scores or backlogs thrice. Initially in your University Statement Of Purpose, University Interview and Visa Interview. Low scores in B.Tech or backlogs in the same do not make you less of a good candidate. It may make your selection challenging but if you can turn the table by providing your calibre whilst justifying them, you are good to go.  

The Statement Of Purpose: The First Step Towards Achieving Your Study In Abroad Plans

When getting started with your SOP, you must decide for yourself as to whether you want to include and justify your backlogs in it in the first place. You must evaluate both the possible outcomes. If omitting them and highlighting your strengths make your SOP look better, so be it. On the other hand, if including your backlogs and justifying them puts you in a good light and allows you to showcase your pre-eminence, go for it! In either case, you should be able to flaunt your skills and showcase your best side. Remember a low CGPA or backlogs do not prove that you lack intelligence. In case you are mentioning the backlogs and justifying the same. Try to be genuine in a smart way. Write the actual reason, and then tell them how did yo make up for it. The reason could be anything, an illness, family issues, financial issues, work-related issues. It is all good as long as you tell them what you did to make up for it and how can you avoid such a thing in future. Apply @BML Munjal University

The College Interview: The Second Step Towards Achieving Your Study In Abroad Plans

Unlike your SOP, you cannot dodge the question of backlogs here. And so you must always have a foolproof reason or explanation ready with you, whilst applying to colleges. Remember, if you already have mentioned a particular explanation or reason for the same in your SOP, your answer in the interview must be in sync with it. They should not be poles apart. Show them that your backlogs do not define you or your calibre.  

Honesty Is The Best Policy: Very Imperative For Achieving Your Study In Abroad Plans

Now, remember not to get carried away in your quest to prove your calibre. Do not fabricate the reasons or stories pertaining to your backlogs. The interviewers have been interviewing candidates for long and it will not be difficult for them to catch your lies. In the latter case, it would have a very negative impact on the selection process and may lower your chance of getting selected. So refrain from fabricating the reason. Be honest, you may tweak it according to the situation. But do not develop apocryphal stories.

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This is a great section to make up for your low grades or backlogs. Make the most out of this section. If this section of yours is empty start working on it from today itself. It could be anything, starting from organizing an event, donating blood, volunteering in a campaign to taking up short-term certification courses, doing internships, attending workshops, etc. The list is not exhaustive. You will be surprised how well this section can make up for your backlogs. Try to cloud it with this section.

Show That You Are Serious About Academics

Initially, backlogs may suggest that the candidate in question is not serious about his or her studies, this can significantly thin out the chances of being selected. So be very careful with your approach and prove your calibre in every other way possible. For instance, you can score exceptional or decent marks in your entrance exams: GMAT, SAT, GRE. You can also showcase that you are serious about your academics and that reflects in your marks obtained in other subjects. That can make it up too. Try to score exceptionally well or top in a few other subjects. These things will help you make up for the backlogs vehemently.

Does It Relate To Your Major?

The best way to dodge the situation is to use the classic excuse by mentioning your lack of interest in the subject in question. It is best if you can shoe them that the subject in question has little to dow ith your subjects that you are majoring in. For example, if you are opting for Computer Science, it will not affect you much, if you have a backlog in literature. Tell them that you lacked interest in that particular subject and such backlogs will not be repeated in future. However, it may so happen that the subject in question is pertaining to your domain of interest. In that case, we have some suggestions too! Namely:

Projects and Training:

Once you have a backlog in an imperative subject, there is less that you can do about it. However, what you can do is undergoing training and projects to build your skillset and experience. It can work wonders in this case and will help you save your Study In Abroad plans from getting jeopardized. There is a slew of institutions that offer the same. Do your research and utilize your break time efficiently. That is all for the blog, All the best! Also read: https://catking.in/low-gpa-know-how-to-shine-through/ Also read: https://catking.in/10-last-minute-gre-tips-before-the-gre-exam/ Also read: https://catking.in/




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