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How to score 320+ in 20 days for GRE examination
April 24 2024

If you keep on waiting for opportunities or for someone, it will never happen.  In the end, you are your only survivor. Also, if you have collected every drop of your own water, you know its value better. At this stage, if you don’t grab the opportunity, you will be left with something ordinary that you won’t like in the later stages of your life.  If you are reading this, you are 20 days away from your dream. 

It’s time to head start and prove yourself to the world. Let’s get straight to the point and see How to score 320+ and what can be done in the last 20 days to achieve a good GRE score in the GRE examination for your dream college. A place that is going to change your life forever.

  • Verbal reasoning
  • Quantitative reasoning

Tip: Before you start on How to score 320+ in 20 days the main subjects we would advise you to get a hold on your vocabulary first as it is a time-consuming process. Each day 10 words should be your target for GRE examination and to secure good GRE scores.

This way you will have 200 + extra words in your vocabulary bank.  A major help for your reading comprehension, sentence completion. And sentence equivalence section and serve the purpose of communicating easily with your peers and professors in your overseas college. (For this, you will thank us later)

Improve your GRE scores and secure good GRE scores with GREKing!

Day 1-2-3

We would like you to start with previous year question papers. The reason being you will be able to understand the pattern and the type of questions that would be asked in the exam and you would be able to understand it in advance and prepare for it. 

You can take one extra day if you need but the mission should be to understand each question well and deep enough to solve it in one glance if it comes in the GRE examination. 

Tip- While going through the previous year question papers you can segregate them into 3 parts: 

  • Trouble-free 
  • Average
  • Burdensome

This segregation will help you understand what is your strength and what is your weakness. 

Day 4-10

Your seven days target should be to take up the category 3 of both the quantitative reasoning and verbal reasoning and complete it as much as possible. 

Completing the hard part first will give you confidence as well as you will have sufficient time to practice later in case you leave out something.

Day 10-13

This is the time for category 2. We would advise you to work on this a little bit carefully as this is your scoring part. 

Day 14-15

Take up category 1 and complete it like a pro. Work on it in such a way that you do not have to look back again. 

Day 16-20

These five days are very crucial as this is the time where you would be rechecking your work done in the past 15 days and presenting it in the test exams. 

We would advise you to take three tests each day in time slots for the first four days and on the fifth day, you should just revise the parts that you couldn’t score better. 

If you follow these tips and work hard sincerely. You will surpass your own capacity and would soon land up in your dream college.

In case, you need some last-minute practice, you can check the GRE practice test for GRE examination.

I hope we conveyed and made you guys understand How to score 320+ in 20 days and you aim a good GRE scores!

All the best!

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