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Misfit/Out of Context sentences- Basic Concepts.

Misfit/Out of Context sentences questions are close cousins of Para-jumbles. These require you to pick the one sentence that does not fit the given context. In the first go, you should approach these questions as para-jumble questions and try to come up with the correct sequence of related sentences.

The odd one out will not fit in the sequence. Key clues that you can use for this question are:

  • Identify the common subject in sentences and spot one that does not fit in place with the others.
  • Identify the common thread of thought and identify the option that talks about a different subject.
  • Try to come up with the order/sequence of sentences and identify one that does not fit.

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Identify Misfit/Out of Context sentences .

1. To identify the misfit sentence

You need to understand the overall context first. Now, to get the overall context, try finding the common subject among all the sentences. The one sentence that does not share the same subject can be your answer.

  1. Tagore was a social phenomenon of his time and his universal aspirations took him around the globe.
  2. Tagore knew no geographical boundaries, and believed in universalism.
  3. Tagore’s universal appeal has its gripping hold even today.
  4. J.K Rowling's books gained world attention, won multiple awards sold more than 400 million copies only because of her innovative and catchy ideas for a book.
  5. His book of poems, Gitanjali, which got him the Nobel Prize, has the soul and spirit of India, and yet it bears a universal appeal.
The common subjects in statements A, B, C and E are: Rabindranath Tagore, his greatness and ideologies. Statement D is an exception which talks about J.K. Rowling. Thus, option D is the odd one out.

2. The above discussed approach is the simplest way to identify the odd one out.

Now looking at the sentence where subject rule does not apply and there is a slight change of theme. How to get away with that? Let’s understand with the help of the following example:

    1. Economic stresses in such contexts intensify the immediate need for children and overshadow the supposed importance of "family planning.”
    2. In some societies, having many children is tantamount to creating a large familial work force.
    3. Imperialist, genocidal policies like coercive sterilization inevitably result in a mistrust of birth control programmes.
    4. Many expert analyses point out that the family size is inextricably linked with a number of clearly definable culture-specific phenomena, which may appear strange to a modern, educated mind.

3. The last concept in sentence

Misfit seeks a similar behaviour as approached for sentence rearrangement. You need to arrange the sentences in the coherent order and the one which you cannot arrange will be the misfit. Example:

    1. Innocence insisted on too strenuously is tantamount to guilt.
    2. But it's precisely the problem; the fact that human evil is predictable does not make it excusable.
    3. It's human nature to want to believe in the rightness of our own actions and intentions.
    4. Nor does fobbing off the evil on singularly evil individuals like Hitler or bin Laden or Cheney.

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Practice Questions


Five sentences related to a topic is show in the below. Four of them can be put together to form a meaningful and coherent short paragraph. Identify the odd one out.

  1. Farmers need to be encouraged to grow more pulses not simply because demand is projected to rise by roughly 50 per cent between now and 2024.
  2. The Subramanian committee has rightly noted that the worst case scenario for farmers is weak government procurement combined with continuation of stock-holding and export restrictions.
  3. Volatility in production and prices of pulses, the committee's report has shown, is far higher than that for cereals, and this is neither in the interests of the producers nor the consumers.
  4. Pulses also help in soil rejuvenation and naturally fixing atmospheric nitrogen, without consuming much water.

Answer 1: Choice 2 is the correct answer.


Five sentences related to a topic is show in the below. Four of them can be put together to form a meaningful and coherent short paragraph. Identify the odd one out.

  1. Automotive interests have consciously shaped a vision of the streets as places where cars belong.
  2. Indeed, the twenty-first century's apex predator is the automobile.
  3. A fatal collision is an everyday phenomenon— the kind of death, it seems, that is always expected.
  4. Cars prowl the streets, growling in revving ravenousness.

Answer 2: Choice 1 is the correct answer.


Five sentences related to a topic is show in the below. Four of them can be put together to form a meaningful and coherent short paragraph. Identify the odd one out.

  1. As global warming speeds up the melting of these glaciers, this weight is lifting, and the surface slowly is springing back
  2. Though the average hiker wouldn't notice, the Alps and other mountain ranges have experienced a gradual growth spurt over the past century or so.
  3. These glaciers are giant scrapers that carve out valleys and carry away rock debris on ice conveyor belts, sculpting mountains.
  4. For thousands of years, the weight of the glaciers atop these mountains has pushed against the Earth's surface, causing it to depress.

Answer 3: Choice 3 is the correct answer.


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