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3 Phases of CAT Preparation | Monthly Guide | How to Build your Strategy
May 09 2024

Preparing for the CAT exam typically involves breaking down your preparation into distinct phases, each with its own focus and objectives. Here's a guide on the three phases of CAT preparation, along with a monthly breakdown and tips on building your strategy:

1. Phase 1: Foundation Building (Months 1-3)


  • Establish a strong foundation in the core concepts tested in the CAT exam.
  • Understand the exam pattern, syllabus, and question types.
  • Identify strengths and weaknesses through diagnostic tests.

Monthly Guide:

  • Month 1:

    • Familiarize yourself with the CAT exam pattern, syllabus, and marking scheme.
    • Start with basic concepts in each section: VARC, DILR, and QA.
    • Take diagnostic tests to assess your current level of preparation.
  • Month 2:

    • Dive deeper into each section and focus on understanding concepts thoroughly.
    • Begin practicing basic level questions from study materials and online resources.
    • Allocate more time to weaker areas while maintaining a balance across all sections.
  • Month 3:

    • Intensify your practice with intermediate-level questions.
    • Solve sectional tests and topic-wise quizzes to reinforce learning.
    • Start exploring advanced concepts and strategies for each section.

Building Your Strategy:

  • Allocate sufficient time each day for study and practice.
  • Create a study schedule that includes dedicated time for each section.
  • Focus on understanding concepts rather than rote learning.
  • Take regular breaks to avoid burnout and maintain productivity.
  • Engage with online forums and study groups for additional support and learning.

2. Phase 2: Skill Enhancement (Months 4-6)


  • Refine your problem-solving skills and time management techniques.
  • Increase your speed and accuracy in solving CAT-level questions.
  • Practice with mock tests to simulate exam conditions and improve performance.

Monthly Guide:

  • Month 4:

    • Focus on practicing a variety of questions from different topics.
    • Start solving previous year CAT papers and sectional tests.
    • Analyze your performance and identify areas for improvement.
  • Month 5:

    • Intensify your practice with timed mock tests.
    • Work on time management strategies to optimize performance in each section.
    • Review and analyze each mock test to identify patterns and mistakes.
  • Month 6:

    • Fine-tune your exam-taking strategy based on mock test performance.
    • Focus on high-yield topics and common question patterns.
    • Conduct regular revisions to reinforce learning and retain concepts.

Building Your Strategy:

  • Prioritize practicing with mock tests and previous year papers.
  • Develop a systematic approach for solving questions under time pressure.
  • Analyze your performance in mock tests to identify weaknesses and areas for improvement.
  • Incorporate revision sessions into your study schedule to reinforce learning.
  • Stay updated with CAT-related news and updates to adapt your strategy accordingly.

3. Phase 3: Exam Readiness (Months 7-8)


  • Fine-tune your preparation and focus on exam-specific strategies.
  • Polish your strengths and mitigate weaknesses through targeted practice.
  • Maintain a calm and confident mindset for the exam day.

Monthly Guide:

  • Month 7:

    • Review and revise all topics covered so far.
    • Solve full-length mock tests to simulate exam conditions.
    • Identify and address any remaining weak areas through targeted practice.
  • Month 8:

    • Focus on intensive mock test series to build stamina and confidence.
    • Fine-tune your exam strategy based on performance in mock tests.
    • Conduct final revisions, focusing on key formulas, concepts, and strategies.

Building Your Strategy:

  • Prioritize mock tests and full-length simulations to prepare for the exam day.
  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle with adequate sleep, nutrition, and exercise.
  • Practice relaxation techniques to manage exam-related stress and anxiety.
  • Stay updated with exam-related notifications and instructions.
  • Trust your preparation and maintain a positive mindset throughout the final phase.


By following a structured approach divided into these three phases and adhering to a monthly guide, you can effectively prepare for the CAT exam and maximize your chances of success. Remember to stay disciplined, focused, and adaptable to adjust your strategy as needed throughout your preparation journey. Good luck!

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Anisha Mukhija

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