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Top Agricultural Producing Countries in the World
February 04 2025

In any competitive exam, you may find simple questions related to the top Agricultural producing countries and their Agricultural Produce. It would be a good idea to go through some of these important facts so that you don’t miss out on the opportunity of scoring these easy few marks.

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Food is a major economic commodity, but only a few countries actually outshine at food production. Most agricultural products require a lot of lands, which only the largest countries have in abundance. In fact, the world's four dominant food-producing countries all rank in the top five for total geographic size.  

The 4 Top Food-Producing Countries:

1. China

China is the world's biggest producer, importer, and consumer of food. Much of China's land is too mountainous or too arid for farming, but the rich soils of the eastern and southern regions are remarkably productive. China also has the world's largest food workforce, with some estimates as high as 315 million laborers. To put this number in viewpoint, the U.S. is the world's third most populous country with 329 million people, as of 2019

2. India

In terms of total calorie content, India is the second-largest food producer in the world. When measured by the total value of agricultural production instead, India drops to fourth place and produces less than half of China's total output. Farm productivity in India is also far lower than in China, the U.S. or Brazil.

3. The United States

No country produces food as efficiently as the U.S. Despite having a significantly smaller workforce than China, the total U.S. agricultural produce is almost as high. Food production is spread across much of the country, but the largest food-producing states include California, Iowa, Texas, Nebraska, and Illinois.

Also read: List of National parks in India  

4. Brazil

The Brazilian economy has historically centered on agriculture, particularly sugarcane, dating back to its time as a European colony. At least 31% of Brazil is used as cropland, largely to produce coffee, sugarcane, soybeans, and corn. Brazil is also a major producer of oranges, pineapples, papaya, and coconuts thanks to its warm, fruit-friendly environment. The country also ranks second (behind the U.S.) in total beef output.


Here's a list of the top Agricultural Producing Countries:

Sr. No. Agricultural Produce First Second Third
1. Almond United States Spain Iran
2. Apple China United States Turkey
3. Apricot Turkey Iran Uzbekistan
4. Avocado Mexico Dominican Republic Peru
5. Banana India China Philippines
6. Barley Russia Ukraine Australia
7. Beef Brazil United States China




Sr. No. Agricultural Produce First Second Third
8. Beer China United States Brazil
9. Blueberry United States Canada Poland
10. Cabbage China India Russia
11. Carrots and Turnip China Uzbekistan Russia
12. Cashew Nut India Nigeria Ivory Coast
13. Cauliflower and Broccoli China India Spain
14. Cherry Turkey United States Iran




Sr. No. Agricultural Produce First Second Third
15. Chest Nut China Turkey Bolivia 
16. Chicken Brazil United States Thailand
17. Chickpea India Australia Myanmar
18. Cocoa Ivory Coast Ghana Indonesia
19. Coconut Indonesia Philippines India
20. Coffee Brazil Vietnam Colombia
21. Cotton China India United States




Sr. No. Agricultural Produce First Second Third
22. Cucumber China Iran Turkey
23. Dry Beans India Brazil Myanmar
24. Egg China United States India
25. Eggplant China India Egypt
26. Ginger India China Nepal
27. Goat Meat China India Pakistan
28. Gooseberry Germany Russia Poland


         EggPlant          Gooseberry


Sr. No. Agricultural Produce First Second Third
29. Grapes China Italy United States
30. Green Bean China Indonesia Turkey
31. Honey China Turkey USA
32. Jute India Bangladesh China
33. Kiwifruit China Italy New Zealand
34. Lemon India Mexico Argentina
35. Lettuce China United States India




Sr. No. Agricultural Produce First Second Third
36. Maize United States China Brazil
37. Mango India China Thailand
38. Milk India United States China
39. Oats Russia Canada Poland
40. Okra India Nigeria Sudan
41. Olive Spain Italy Greece
42. Onion China India USA


          olive            okra!


Sr. No. Agricultural Produce First Second Third
43. Oranges Brazil China India
44. Papaya India Brazil Mexico
45. Peanut China India Nigeria
46. Pear China United States Argentina
47. Pineapple Costa Rica Brazil Philippines
48. Plum China Serbia USA
49. Pork China United States Germany


        Plum        Pear


Sr. No. Agricultural Produce First Second Third
50. Potato China India Russia
51. Pulses India Canada  USA
52. Pumpkin China India Russia
53. Raspberry Russia United States Poland
54. Rice China India Indonesia
55. Rubber Thailand Indonesia Malaysia
56. Sesame Tanzania Myanmar India




Sr. No. Agricultural Produce First Second Third
57. Silk China India Uzbekistan
58. Soybean United States Brazil Argentina
59. Spinach China United States Japan
60. Strawberry China United States Mexico
61. Sugarcane Brazil India China
62. Sweet Potato China Nigeria Tanzania
63. Tea China India Kenya


       Spinach         Tea


Sr. No. Agricultural Produce First Second Third
64. Tobacco China Brazil India
65. Tomato China India United States
66. Walnut China Iran United States
67. Watermelon China Turkey Iran
68. Wheat China India Russia
69. Wine Italy France Spain
70. Wool Australia China USA


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