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Zero in Data interpretation | DI LR Hacks for CAT 99 percentile ! 60 Days challenge !
June 18 2024

The Common Admission Test (CAT) is a highly competitive exam for aspirants seeking admission to premier business schools in India. Among its various sections, Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning (DI LR) is often perceived as one of the most challenging. However, with the right strategies and a structured approach, you can ace this section and achieve a 99 percentile score. This article outlines a comprehensive 60-day challenge to master DI LR, providing essential hacks and tips to boost your preparation.

Understanding the DI LR Section

The DI LR section tests your ability to interpret and analyze data and your logical reasoning skills. It includes questions based on:

  • Data Interpretation: Tables, charts, graphs, and caselets.
  • Logical Reasoning: Puzzles, seating arrangements, blood relations, and more.

To achieve a high percentile, you need to develop both speed and accuracy in solving these problems.

60-Day DI LR Preparation Plan

Weeks 1-2: Foundation Building

1. Understand the Basics:

  • Familiarize yourself with different types of DI LR questions.
  • Learn the fundamental concepts of percentages, ratios, and proportions, which are crucial for data interpretation.

2. Practice Basic Problems:

  • Solve basic DI sets involving simple tables and bar graphs.
  • Attempt introductory LR problems like linear arrangements and easy puzzles.

3. Daily Practice Routine:

  • Dedicate at least 1-2 hours daily to solving DI LR problems.
  • Focus on accuracy and understanding the underlying logic.

4. Review and Analyze:

  • After solving each problem, analyze your approach and identify any mistakes.
  • Learn alternative methods to solve the same problem.

Weeks 3-4: Skill Enhancement

1. Increase Complexity:

  • Move on to more complex DI sets like pie charts, line graphs, and mixed graphs.
  • Solve moderate-level LR problems involving circular arrangements and selection-based puzzles.

2. Timed Practice:

  • Start solving problems within a stipulated time to improve your speed.
  • Gradually reduce the time limit as you get more comfortable with the questions.

3. Develop Shortcut Techniques:

  • Learn and practice shortcut techniques for quick calculations.
  • Use approximation methods for faster data interpretation.

4. Regular Mock Tests:

  • Take full-length mock tests to simulate the actual exam environment.
  • Focus on DI LR sections and analyze your performance after each test.

Weeks 5-6: Advanced Practice

1. Focus on Weak Areas:

  • Identify the types of questions where you are consistently making mistakes.
  • Practice similar problems until you become proficient.

2. Advanced Problem Sets:

  • Tackle advanced DI sets involving complex data combinations.
  • Solve high-difficulty LR problems like 3D arrangements and logical grids.

3. Group Study and Discussion:

  • Engage in group study sessions to discuss different approaches and solutions.
  • Solve challenging problems collaboratively to gain new perspectives.

4. Intensive Mock Tests:

  • Increase the frequency of mock tests to at least three per week.
  • Review each test thoroughly, focusing on time management and accuracy.

Weeks 7-8: Mastery and Revision

1. Final Lap of Practice:

  • Continue practicing a mix of DI and LR problems daily.
  • Focus on maintaining a balance between speed and accuracy.

2. Revise Key Concepts:

  • Revisit important concepts and shortcut techniques regularly.
  • Make summary notes of crucial points and refer to them frequently.

3. Simulated Exam Conditions:

  • Take full-length mock tests under simulated exam conditions.
  • Aim to complete each test with a high accuracy rate and within the time limit.

4. Stress Management:

  • Practice relaxation techniques like deep breathing and meditation to manage exam stress.
  • Ensure you get adequate rest and maintain a healthy routine.

DI LR Hacks for CAT 99 Percentile

1. Prioritize Accuracy Over Speed:

  • While speed is important, accuracy should be your primary focus. Incorrect answers can significantly affect your percentile.

2. Identify Easy Questions First:

  • Quickly scan through the DI LR section and identify the easier questions. Solve them first to secure marks and build confidence.

3. Use the Elimination Method:

  • In LR problems, use the elimination method to narrow down the possible answers. This can save time and increase accuracy.

4. Stay Calm Under Pressure:

  • Maintain a calm and composed mindset during the exam. Panic can lead to mistakes and affect your overall performance.

5. Practice Mental Math:

  • Enhance your mental math skills to reduce dependency on calculators and save valuable time.


Achieving a 99 percentile in the DI LR section of the CAT exam is challenging but attainable with disciplined preparation and strategic practice. Follow this 60-day plan diligently, focus on continuous improvement, and stay motivated throughout your preparation journey. With perseverance and the right approach, you can master the DI LR section and secure a top percentile in the CAT exam. Good luck!

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cat 2024
Anisha Mukhija

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