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Courses Offered

Students who enroll in the two-year, full-time MBA programs have the exceptional chance to pursue a major and a minor. Students must choose one of the majors and one of the minor specializations starting in their second year. Prior to the fourth trimester, you must decide on your main specialization, while you must choose your minor specialization prior to the fifth. Students at K J Somaiya Institute of Management have a rare chance to improve on the fundamentals of business by selecting Majors and Minors. The first year's classes will build on the foundation, or the basics of business. The students will have the option of selecting one of the 5 Majors in their second year. The choice of major will be heavily influenced by one's career objectives and interests. The available 5 majors are as follows:

Data Science and Analytics: With data being recognized as the new oil for organizations, the Data Science specialization aims to provide students with courses that will enable them to make sense of the data and apply different communications, statistics, human behavioral, and cognitive models along with information technology and analytical tools in functional areas or domains of their liking. Gained knowledge will aid in making progressive or current decisions.

Finance: One of the most crucial aspects of any economy and business is finance. Experts in company finance are needed for the economy's proper operation and for formulating policy. The K J Somaiya Institute of Management offers a finance concentration with the goal of preparing students to oversee the financial operations of both domestic and global economies and businesses.

Human Resources: Students who major in HR will be prepared to manage the organization's human resource in terms of HR functions such as recruitment and selection, training and development, compensation, rewards, and incentives, performance management, career paths, and exit, among others. While auditing the HR function, the student will learn to build organizational policies, strong HR processes, and tools for the HR function.

Marketing: The K J Somaiya Institute of Management's marketing department works to clearly document and communicate the traditional and modern issues facing the marketing function.

Operations Management: Understanding operations systems, their components, contributions, and connections with other functional areas in-depth is the goal of operations management. Additionally, it gives students the analytical skills they need to handle problems and make the right choices in the complex world of global business. The concentration aids in developing strong techno-business managers and leaders.

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