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How to master the art of Reading Comprehension?
May 15 2024

There are 16 questions out of 24 in the Verbal Ability section. You have to work hard in this section to ace it. Any topper of CAT is always well read and hence, he could ace all the sections in order to top the exam overall.

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How to ace RC:

  • Why is this section asked in CAT? The reason is when you go to b-schools you will be given Harvard case studies of 25-30 pages of booklet.Everyone has to follow it, which will have open minded problem statement and students are expected to have discussion on them. In a day, you will have to read 3-4 cases on an average in marketing, finance, HR etc.
  • To ace in this section, love AEON essays. Start with them. Minimum 50 essays should be done in total. To start with, read AEON in three phases- start with AEON Ideas, then move to AEON essays and then finally switch to AEON Psyche.
  • After AEON, move to NY times, Smithsonian, Guardian, The Atlantic as actual CAT paper comes from here. After this, go to advanced and read Aldaily (Art based). The target should be 50 essays altogether.
  • Major topics to cover for CAT- Natural Science, Humanities, Anthropology, Sapiens, SST (History, Civics, Geography).

  • Sources- CATKing bible LOD 1: 100 must do RC 1&2. Everyday start with doing 3 RCs, Para Jumbles. Para Summary and 10 new words for vocabulary. Now gradually increase it by 5 RCs, Para Jumbles, Para Summary and 10 vocabulary words.
  • On dashboard, there are recorded webinars on VARC. Check them out thoroughly.
  • Enhance your focus. To beat toppers, upskill your VARC skills and then you will find yourself upping your game in this section.

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Anisha Mukhija




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