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October 15 2023
“Bluer skies awaits you for you’re a Falcon. You are meant to fly and you will! - Iqbal https://youtu.be/uIrTK7ix6rI  CAT online courses Anuradha Das Mathur is Founding Dean of the Vedica Scholars Programme for Women, India's first management and personal growth program exclusively for women, and is also a Founder and Director of 9.9 Media (Nine Dot Nine Media) - one of India's fastest growing niche media companies. She has joined with CATKing on women’ day special where we had wholesome conversation regarding women in corporate culture, job roles and Entrepreneurship. Let us dive in. Q: How are you able to do multiple businesses together with lots of responsibilities? Ans-  Anuradha ma’am being at ease described the process that sounds such mammoth of a task in very structured manner. She says, in order to get started, don’t keep waiting for the perfect situation, perfect moment or time to happen. Just start with whatever resources you have because taking the 1st step is of utmost importance then only it leads to another. Now, the moment your business looks like it has potential and can be scalable, start finding perfect people to work with you and trust them. Delegate roles to them and you won’t feel stretched. You should never let opportunities go in your life so never cease to look for newer and better opportunities on which you can work. Allow your team some space to work at their best and trust them with their jobs. We must never take each success or failure personally because when we do, we deviate ourselves from our path and our objective then fade out gradually. So do not stretch yourself beyond the threshold. CAT 2022 online courses and mocks Q:   What advice would you give to Young Entrepreneurs? Ans- She is not only an intellectual person but a very practical one too. She gave some real pieces of advice to the budding and aspiring women entrepreneurs which were of great value not only to them but to others too. She emphasizes on women to be eternally optimistic in their life. We need to just consider failure as just hurdles and know at the back of our mind that if God closes one door, he opens up 4 other doors for you to find your path. The most common problem with young people is that they have too many hang ups about things but we need to understand when we have an opportunity at hand, we must run to grab it till you’re young as these experiences mould you as a person. These experiences give depth to your personality whose learnings no other person can take from you. Earn the right to be an entrepreneur. She says before starting any entrepreneurship one must ensure zero dependency on anyone for their expenses. By being financially independent, you are on your own and not dependent on anyone or answerable to anyone but yourself. Financial independence can be pursued by working anywhere, gaining experience of things, saving etc. Come what may, don’t increase the amount of dependency by entering into Entrepreneurship at day 1.  To want to do what you want to do, you should have some money of your own. It enables you to live life with dignity at your own terms. Moreover, you are giving yourself a runway for Entrepreneurship as you learn a lot from corporate jobs and then implement in your entrepreneurship.   CONCLUSION: She said there is no quick hack, secret sauce etc. for success. The bitter truth lies in knowing that you need to put on hours, show up every day authentically and put on the hours in a consistent manner in order to be successful. Lastly, Do Not Quit. Believe you are meant for success and don’t give up on your dreams. Also Read: CAT preparation Get mentored by experts how to increase accuracy in mocks
Anisha Mukhija

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