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Often when two words sound similar, they are termed as “homophones”, “homo” being same and “phone” being sound. However, there are also a few words that don’t sound the same yet their similar pronunciation can lead to confusions as to their usage and distinction. Therefore, this chapter will run you through a set of words that sound similar or are bound to get interchanged in due course of daily usage.


Meaning: When someone displays severe disapproval for someone or something in a formal statement, that object or person is deemed “censured” Consider, for example, the following statement: The Russian government censured all claims of extra-terrestrial involvement in the Dyatlov Pass Incident. On the other hand, when a particular piece of text or imagery is removed and obliterated for being offensive or in bad taste, it is called “censored”
For example, The manuscripts bearing the declaration of crusades were censored by the Romans and the Greeks in the interest of order. 


Meaning:  A “credulous” person is an unwary bloke who would readily believe just about anything said to him. Other synonyms include gullible, naïve and exploitable.For example, The credulous villager believed the merchant when he told him the rock he had was worth a thousand Roubles.A “credible” source, on the other hand, is something that is deemed to be believable or acceptable. Both these words hail from the same root word meaning “to believe”
Consider this example: The Supreme Court ruled out the victim’s text messages as a credible source of evidence owing to the theft of her phone before the murder.


Meaning: When someone feels something or someone is not being true and must not be believed upon, they are said to experience “distrust” towards that person, object or circumstance.For example, The policemen expressed his distrust towards the beggar by nudging his knapsack to verify its contents. When someone is always suspicious of things and has a difficult time trusting something or someone, that person is regarded as “mistrusting”

Example: His frequent encounters with fraudulent customers had made him mistrusting of all people in general.Remember “dis” is the negative of something and “mis” is the absence of something. For reference, see “displace” and “misplace”


Meaning: When something arouses your senses of gratification or pleasure, it is said to be “sensual” in nature. It is often used with sexual arousal.Example: The couple’s dinner was followed by sensual waltz.
When something refers to your senses of physical perception rather than your intellectual understanding, it is termed as “sensuous” It can also be used for sexual references.
Consider, for example:Blindfolded, the tourists experienced the sensuous aromas and sounds of the wine in the brewery.


Meaning:  Office and school supplies are termed as “stationery”.
Usage: He went to the stationery store to purchase notebooks for the upcoming school year.
When something is “static” or “not moving”, it is said to be “stationary”
Usage: He got off the stationary bus and began walking towards his house.


Meaning: When you raise a topic for debate or discussion, it is termed at “broaching” the topic.
Usage: The delegates broached a moderated caucus.
A brooch, on the other hand is an ornamental piece of clothing that is pinned to a blazer’s lapel or to the pockets of waistcoats.
Usage: To denote his promotion to club secretary, the President fastened a new brooch to his chest.


Meaning: “Flair” refers to an innate ability and aptitude to do something and excel at it. For example: Everyone knew Ruskin had a flair for writing. On the other hand, “flare” is a sudden gust of light that is used in cases of emergency, to signal people, warning signs at battlefields, etc. Example: On being hit by the icebergs, the crew of the Titanic deployed flares in hopes some other ship would respond. Flares are also used by military aircrafts to deviate missiles aimed at them, because the missiles are programmed to follow heat signatures of their exhausts, but the flares trigger the missile at a distance away from the jet so safeguard the pilot and the payload.


Meaning:  “Sanguine” is an adjective used to denote something or someone that is excessively optimistic or positive in an environment that is excessively demeaning or negative towards them. For example: Even during the flood, the sanguine padre continued chanting hymns to soothe the refugees. Something that is “genuine” is true and original and can be believed in. For example: His efforts towards attaining his diploma showed how genuine his dedication was.


Meaning: Anything that is “adverse” is negative and painful in every way to a person. It could be used to describe situations, conditions, results, etc. For example: The adverse situations in the town owing to the drought continued claiming the lives of farmers. A situation that is adverse is called an adversity. “Averse” on the other hand, means to strongly dislike or loathe something. Think of the word “Aversion”. Example: His continuous work in the café had made him averse to the smell of coffee.


Meaning: The word “Cogent” refers to a clear, logical and convincing case of an argument. Example: His interpretation of the goods and service tax was cogent and well received. “Ironic” is a statement that is made obvious by otherwise stating the opposite in an attempt to make it humorous or sarcastic. For example: It was quite ironic watching the man who would beat his wife lead the protest of feminists.


Meaning:  “Pealing” refers to the loud sound in series of thunder, laughter or bells in general. For example: The victorious Navy was greeted with pealing of the coast bell.
“Peeling” refers to the act of deskinning something. It could refer to fruits, vegetables or saran wrap.
For example: He began peeling the orange in an attempt to make marmalade.


Meaning: A “Horde” is used to collectively refer to a large group of people in a negative manner. For example: A horde of angry fans mobbed the stadium after the team’s loss.
When you “Hoard” something, you accumulate a large amount of anything. For example: The kleptomaniac opened his closet to prove his habit of hoarding groceries.


Meaning: “Interment” refers to the crematory process of performing the last rites of a corpse and buries it. For example: Everyone dressed in their funeral clothes and gather for his interment.
“Internment” is when someone is detained for military or political reasons. For example: The captured soldiers were reputed for writing books on their internment.