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Before I make you folks dive into the depth of this chapter. Take a moment and think about the most common letter from which all dirty words start. Umm…let me help you out. If you have noticed most of the dirty words start with the letter “L”.

The history of the letter “L” is derived from the name of the most sensual actress SUNNY LEONE. Think of her for a moment. OK! Control your feelings boys!

Hahaha – Don’t take it too seriously!!

If you still don’t agree with what I’m saying, look at this then -Try speaking the letter L sensually and focus on your tongue when you pronounce the letter “L”.

Lewd -

Meaning: Sexual in an offensive or rude way, vulgar, wicked.

Recently Malaika and Karan met in a red carpet show. Malaika’s hot apparel instigated Karan to pass some lewd remarks which the public resented with anger. This broke their friendship and ruined Karan’s image in front of the public.

Hear me out– never try to pass a cheap comment to a girl in public like Karan did. (A way to recall- lewd sounds similar to nude)



Meaning: feeling or revealing an overt sexual interest or desire.

My friend Priyanka was in unease for a week, when I went into the depth of the matter I got to know the reason for the same was the lascivious messages that she had been receiving from her ex-boyfriend.



Meaning: showing excessive sexual drive.

According to the Bible, it is sinful for a man to have libidinous thoughts about a woman who is not his spouse. So, people reading this out please be aware!



Meaning: offensively displaying or intended to arouse sexual desire.

The public is more attracted towards Bollywood movies than any other because of the final straw.

The final straw is when in a scene that makes even the most innocuous Hindi movie seem lubricious to the extreme, they finally make out.



Meaning: having or showing excessive or offensive sexual desire.

When Jack and Jennifer were having an altercation, Jack made some lecherous comments in anger which were humiliating to Jennifer and instigated her to part ways.



Meaning: promiscuous and unprincipled in sexual matters.

He was sent by his parents to the Roman school, but shocked by the prevailing licentious behaviour, he fled away.



Meaning: licentious or dissolute behaviour.

After the millionaire saw evidence of his new wife’s profligate spending, he quickly filed for a divorce.



Meaning: having or showing strong feelings of sexual desire.

All the time she was eating, Gladys prattled on about her magnificent dreams of the snow-covered landscape of faraway planets and the lustful urges of their alien inhabitants.



Meaning: behaves in a sexually immodest or promiscuous way.

He loved the way she could be wanton and sensual one minute, then bashful and demure the next.