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A phobia is an excessive and irrational fear reaction. If you have a phobia, you may experience a deep sense of dread or panic when you encounter the source of your fear. The fear can be of a certain place, situation, or object. Unlike general anxiety disorders, a phobia is usually connected to something specific. The impact of a phobia can range from annoying to severely disabling. People with phobias often realize their fear is irrational, but they’re unable to do anything about it. Such fears can interfere with your work, school, and personal relationships.

Here is a list of some most common phobias that you must know! Let’s get acquainted with them!


Meaning: It’s not unusual to worry sometimes. But when your fears keep you from getting out into the world, and you avoid places because you think you’ll feel trapped and not be able to get help, you may have agoraphobia.

The word originates from the ancient Greek word “agora,” referring to a place of assembly or marketplace. Agoraphobia is an anxiety disorder involving anxiety and intense fear of any situation where escape may be difficult, or where help may not be available. It often involves a fear of crowds, bridges or of being outside alone.


Meaning: Extreme or irrational fear of confined places Claustrophobia is derived from the root Latin words claustrum (“shut in place”) and Phobos (“fear”). Claustrophobia is typically triggered by a person’s fear of being trapped in a small space, room, or vehicle. This fear of confined places can include elevators, windowless rooms, airplanes, or even tight clothing.


Meaning: Acrophobia is the fear of heights. People who have this fear may avoid climbing ladders, being on roofs of buildings, driving over mountains or bridges, and sometimes stairwells and railings. The origin of the word acro is Greek (meaning high, highest, highest point, top or tip end) and phobia is Greek (meaning fear).


Meaning: The word Pyrophobia originates from Greek ‘pur/pyr’ meaning fire and ‘phobos’ meaning fear or deep dread. To an extent, the fear of fire is healthy, evolutionary and normal. However, in case of a phobic, the fear turns debilitating, often affecting his/her daily life wherein one is unable to withstand even small or controlled fires. To a Pyrophobic individual, the mere smell of smoke or something burning can trigger an intense anxiety attack. This causes him/her to constantly check the stove/gas leading to obsessive compulsive personality disorders.



Meaning:  No one can escape the bitter truth that we will all die someday. It’s completely normal to be concerned of one’s well being and fear deadly or threatening situations in life. However, some people may find themselves having such a strong and intense fear of death that he/she cannot think of anything else. Such a condition is known as thanatophobia.

Thanatophobia has been derived from Greek word “Thanatos” meaning death. This is persistent and extreme fear of death or dying without any logical explanation.


Meaning: Fear of colors is called Chromophobia – a word derived from two Greek words namely Chromos and Phobos which respectively mean color and fear or deep aversion. Some sufferers may be afraid of only certain shades of colors- for example, red. Many are known to fear this color (specifically known as Erythrophobia) as it is symbolic of blood, death or violence. In other cases, the phobic might fear all bright colors in general.


Meaning: Fear or hatred of foreigners, people from different cultures or strangers. It could also be fear or dislike of the customs, the dress, etc., of people who are culturally different from oneself.

For e.g.: We will give up and stop any manifestations of chauvinism and xenophobia.

This is a path that treads a thin line, as history should remind us, between economic nationalism and xenophobia.